Yep, today Max, my only son, turned TWELVE.
This week my emotions have been a little bit bitter-sweet about it all. My question is this:
Wasn’t he just this old yesterday??
How is it that twelve years can pass so darn quick? I swear I was just barely walking around Babies R Us with Dave, completely giddy as we timed the contractions coming stronger and stronger. I was all dolled up in one of Dave’s humongo button-up shirts (pregnancy clothes sure have come a LONG way in 12 years), and I thought I was going to die in anticipation of FINALLY meeting this boy I’d waited what seemed like eons to get my hands on. I was on the brink of being bequeathed my new title I’d been drooling over for so many years: “Mother.”
And he’s been the apple of our eye ever since.He grew:
and grew:
and grew:
And grew:
And grew:
And now here he is…all grown up. He’s getting the Priesthood this week for crying out loud. How did this happen?
12 things I love about this boy:
1) My very favorite thing about Max lately is his lack of a bike.
I know that sounds funny, but let me explain. His bike got stolen from our garage a couple months ago. Yeah, the one with all the bells and whistles…makes me so mad…but that’s beside the point for this story.
The thing I LOVE about Max is that although sure, he’s sad about it, he hasn’t really skipped a beat. You know what he’s been riding around the neighborhood? My bike. Yeah, the big red beach cruiser with a baby seat attached to the back. Although I haven’t seen him in action with his friends, my friend called the other day chuckling because she saw all the boys out riding the neighborhood…Max with his baby seat bumping along behind him.
I love picturing it.
2) Max doesn’t really care what everyone else thinks. Although he’s mellow and will go with the flow a lot of the time, he’s fine to be different. I like that. An example: he won’t care a bit that I put this picture in here: There’s nothing wrong with your Mom making you be a cupid, right?
3) Max adores his sisters.
4) His sisters adore him…despite his teasing, which is pretty good.
5) He makes the best chocolate chip cookies.
6) He has the best smile…reminds me so much of his Dad’s.
7) Max is the best at saying “thank you.” He’ll say it like five times when I take him to lunch. Love that.
8) He mows the lawn like a professional.
9) He’s got the best sense of humor. He’s getting to the point he can hold his own against his Dad’s sarcasm. Now that’s pretty good.
10) He makes good decisions and sticks with them.
11) He doesn’t ask for a lot. (see number 1)
12) He’s one smart kid. It’s our “off” party year this year (we only do them every other year). But he and his friends (through a long story of events) got a hold of free passes for this huge, expensive water park here. So in lieu of a party he just managed to schedule his friends to go with him to the water park today. Hmmm. Sounds like a party to me. But it didn’t really count as one, so it worked.
Yeah, gotta hand it to him…he’s smart.
Aww! Such cute pictures! Hope Max has a super birthday! It's funny… I don't know him, but before you listed the 12 things about him, I got a sense of everything you wrote just from all your pictures. Great post! Glad to see you are off to a great start for summer and you are NOT a mean mom!
Great anniversary of being a mom! Max is the only one of your kids I think I've actually met (at a get-together at the Blegeanu's in Provo oh almost 12 years ago) and he's a cutie! Congrats on raising such a great kid and Happy Birthday to Max!
What a great Max! Happy Birthday, and good job Mom & Dad. He's so awesome because of you.
Seriously it was just yesterday that we were pregnant with these oldest of ours. I can't stand it I want to throw a fit I am not ready for them to grow up. Even though its also fun that they are growing up. It's a pity we never lived by each other cause seriously our oldest are very similiar. They would have made great friends! Oh well.
p.s. you could never be a mean mom
and also I forgot to say Happy Birthday Max, even though he doesn't know me, but someday he and Christian will meet
Oh WOW! We love this boy! I've got to tell him one more thing i love about him on Eyrealm. He is just the best big brother ever…and he has a pretty mean, I mean awesome mom too!
Aww, happy birthday to Max! He's lookin' sharp in that tie!
Free passes to a waterpark? I'd love to hear the story of how he snagged those! (Maybe in Max's own words as a guest blogger??)
Love the 12 things about him…especially #1. How blessed you are. How blessed he is.
shawni…love your work, this is alyssa snow larson's sister, sara, bobbi's daughter…I had a random question for you, and get back to me whenever, I think that is a great goal to limit phone/computer, I need to do it myself.
I had a question about posting your pics from photobucket…my hubby is into photography and uploading through blogger washes out any photoshopping we have done, but we haven't been able to figure out uploading from photobucket with the right proportions etc…looks like you are in the know. shoot me an email if you get a chance
THANKS- your kids and photos are beautiful!!!
I think Max has the best smile ever! Even when he was a baby…
He is so handsome!
Looks like he had a great b-day even with out a party!
The story about him riding your bike made me laugh!!
What a great kid!
That first family picture of you guys is EXACTLY how I remember you and your cute family! How much he's grown since then. Happy birthday Max!
Whoa, Max looks really old in that last picture. I posted a Happy Birthday comment on his blog on the big day, not sure if he got it. Tell him we love him!!
Wow Shawni,
Time goes by so fast. Really.
Happy Birthday to MAX. Loved the photos from the forest. Love you,
I think I've told you how when I was pregnant with my first and only boy I was actually worried that I wouldn't like him that much because how could he possibly be as cute as Max? Turns out I adore Jonathan but my point is WHAT a cutie. Happy Birthday Max from an old Virginia friend!