Here’s a better shot of my “posers”:
JUST what he wanted. He’s a sucker for LOTS of attention.
Ha HA! That is totally not true. But how sweet is that that his China office got him all celebrated. They are the best. And Abby took such great care of him as well.
We decided since we’d be seeing him a couple days later (en route to Africa) that we’d celebrate his birthday as a family when we were together. We decided one of our days in Kenya (where we went on a safari that I still need to write all about here) would be the day to celebrate. We did our “things we love about him” tradition around that candle-lit table in our little camp:
Oh I miss that place!
All the staff came out and sang him the sweetest happy birthday song in Swahili:
And somehow whipped up a cake for him (they took good care of us there I have to say!)
The girls made a banner for him:
And it didn’t hurt that we had been out galavanting around Kenya that day…love this pic of these two we took at our “sun-downer” spot earlier that evening:
Also didn’t hurt to get to see these puppies on your “fake” birthday:
…and this guy:
…and these guys:
Yep, that 22 was well celebrated.
On to the next now-adult of the family: Grace. Her birthday is on June 26th and I wrote my eighteen things I love about her back HERE. But here’s what we did on the big day…wait, let’s talk about the day before the big day for a second first.
Because we got home from Africa one day, and the next Grace got her wisdom teeth pulled and Lu got her braces off (I posted a little video of all that excitement back HERE). Here are her sisters taking good care of that pre-birthday girl:
And then the next day was Grace’s birthday.
So she was still in pain and swollen up for the big eighteen. Which she was mortified about, but that sure made that day memorable!
Here’s Claire fancying up the breakfast table:
Ocean pancakes for breakfast:
(recipe for those back HERE)
Lu did her traditional candy bar birthday poster:
(See how Grace is strategically holding that poster…oh that girl was a good sport!)
Breakfast and gifts…
I gave her this special globe and a journal to document all the places she’ll go. Oh her future is so bright!
Her friends came over laden with the sweetest gifts:
Had our traditional bday cake:
Then came Elle on August 12th. I wrote my ode to her back HERE.
Dave happened to be in Utah where she is finishing up her internship the weekend before her birthday.
So he gathered all the cousins (and also his sister and Max and Abby and Lar) who are in Utah (a LOT of them!), and took them all to dinner to celebrate:
On the very day my Mom took Elle out to lunch:
…and went back to her office to check it out (wish I had a picture of my mom and Elle together).
All in honor of the fact that her birthday tradition is to float her cake (Dave had let them in on that little tidbit and they were the SWEETEST to make this happen!)
Of course she loved it though and was so grateful for the great office manager who made it happen in the back of this picture:
Love that my mom was there to capture that. Aw, people are the sweetest. And for a mom, when your kids are far away, it means so much when people take such good care of them.
Speaking of good care, Elle’s boyfriend took pretty great care of her too with a little trip to Lagoon and a pazooki gathering that night:
And there we have it: a wrap of all those summer birthdays.
Lucy’s next. And believe me, she doesn’t let us forget that! 🙂