Lucy did not, as I mistakenly made it appear in my last post, just turn two.

She has been two since October.

She’s simply now T-W-O in the true sense of what “two” really is for a toddler…the kind of “two” Moms get super exasperated about. The “monster” kind of “two.”

And yes, I’m bracing myself for “three.” Because I agree with some of those other moms…the “threes” are often worse! (At least in two out of my four other kids.)

But man we sure adore that girl. I could write a novel about her every single day filled with the most delightful things she does that balance out the “twos.” And I’m still convinced that she’s pretty nice considering the fact that she can’t communicate what she wants most of the time.

She turns my heart to mush.

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  1. Very cute.
    But wait, you think two is bad?
    Oh, just wait until your kids become teenagers… it’s like being T-W-O, except ten times worse! haha…
    Quick word of advice, if your teens want to sleep, LET THEM, because they turn into MONSTERS when they wake up! No joke.
    You might want to try headphones with a portable CD player. Good luck with Lucy!

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