These little baby ducks that hatched in my brother’s classroom (and he was nice enough to share with my kids) went from this size:

 …to this size in what seemed like a matter of minutes!:

Elle started summer school because she thought it would be good to get World Studies out of the way for her Sophomore year.  She goes from 7:30 to 3:15 Monday- Thurs.  At first she did NOT want to go, but she actually secretly loves it.

Grace and her friend Chloe finished teaching their dance and gymnastics class series. 
…and they even had a little recital at the end.

 I wish I had taken a picture of the great moms I got to hang out with a little bit as they were teaching.

 Claire’s finger didn’t have to be re-broken after all.

Dave and Max had a bonding adventure together with all the other 16-18 year olds that go to our church up in Moab.  

While they were gone, the girls and I worked our tails off cleaning things out at our house, earning this as our reward:

As I looked down that row of sweeties next to me I got such an overwhelmed feeling for how incredibly blessed I am to be the mother of so many girls.  Wow, we are going to have fun together in life I tell you!

Dance-offs with the teenagers (I’m mad I don’t have a pic. of the teenagers but they were mostly just on the floor laughing their guts out).

Lu’s summer uniform:

Swim suit fresh from swim team, ratty hair, and she sported that band-aid and pink mustache for a few days too.

A new nephew:


Welcome to the world little Lucas!

One nephew was born, one came home from his two-year mission in Argentina:

So proud of that boy!

Max keeps growing:

 We bought him size 15 shoes for his birthday.

We both wore BIG shoes to church the next Sunday.  (I’ve never worn high heels before but I did it and wobbled around all day.)


This is what some 16-year-old boys like to do on weekends around here:


And “sister friends” with creative ideas:

Lots of dance choreography on the trampoline.

Lots of swim team:

Summer goals:

A few of my book club girls decided we should go see The Great Gatsby since we read it this year.  It was the craziest of nights but sometimes you just need to say “yes” in the midst of chaos and so Dave sent me off.

I didn’t love the movie, but I sure love the girls.  Such a good little get-away.

And it didn’t hurt to come home to the sweetest of notes waiting for me on my bed:

Oh, I love that Claire!

Yes, the summer of 2013 is starting off with a bang.

And although it has been the craziest summer yet, I still love it.

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  1. That has to be one of the sweetest notes ever written by a child. She's such a good writer too! Her words are very poetic. Adorable. And cute pictures, it looks like you're having a great summer!

  2. So fun to see this! Claire! What a sweetheart! You'll miss your house but you'll have a lot more room for all those fun teenagers! Glad I was there to see a couple of these snippets!

  3. We totally should have snapped a pic of us from dance! Looks like your summer is going well! We are loving vanderbilt and all that nashville has to offer:)

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