I don’t have much time today but just wanted to at least start documenting Spring Break for a sec.  I don’t know how most school systems work, but we get a whole week here in the desert.  We’ve had a tradition each year to head up to Utah to ski with all the cousins during the break (HERE and HERE for a few) but we’ve missed it the last two years (trying to move into our house for one, and in California for Max’s volleyball tournament last year).

But this year we were back at it again.  We just got back from our adventures late last night (well, at least Elle and I did…the rest of the fam. got back on Friday night…more on that later), and our alarm clocks hit us like trucks barging in first thing this morning.  Oh boy.  I guess trucks hitting us smack-dab in the face so early means we sure had a good time…so grateful for a break out of routine to be together.  Call me crazy (and I know I’ve mentioned it before) but I LOVE even the drive all enclosed in the car together.  
Especially when Claire and Lu build a fort for some entertainment:

Long but gorgeous drive.

Loved these two when we stopped for dinner:

This one mountain had the sun hitting it so perfectly for SO long I just had to keep taking pictures as Dave and I discussed the world in the front seat.

See it up there with the sun on it so beautifully?


 And closer again:

Oh man, God made us a gorgeous world.
Let’s back up for a sec before we get to Utah though because seriously, I’m so grateful for Dave for making skiing work for our family.  He grew up with a dad who made it a priority through thick or thin, and it’s his family’s favorite tradition.  So much bonding on those mountains and through those “scenic drives” to those mountains.  Dave is following suite.  I love that he takes control of getting all the gear ready.

 …and the kids.

We did some serious pep-talking with Lucy to get her excited because we finally decided this is the year she should give it a real try.

She was ready!  

More soon, gotta run.
Happy Monday! 

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