Yesterday Elle texted me this picture right in the middle of the day with a bunch of little cry-face emoticons.  
Which made me have to text some back because right there in that little package is her cap and gown.

Her GRADUATION cap and gown.  
And thinking of that is making me super emotional lately.
But let’s think about something happier right now because it is a whole month and a half away.  And neither I nor my family can afford for me to fall apart quite yet πŸ™‚
How about all the fun she’s been having lately.  
I swear these seniors had a few days off (lower class-men testing so seniors didn’t have to go and an official “senior ditch day”…yes really they did that) and now it’s just a non-stop party around here.
I don’t know how they are going to get back on the ball to finish out the serious academic stuff, but I’m sure they’ll manage somehow…
For Elle’s senior pictures I wanted to capture this girl up exactly how she is right now.  Things are going to be changing so fast so soon, college is looming large right in front of us.  So probably some of my most prized possessions from this time of her life are going to be these little puppies (her pictures).
Instead of doing them myself like I did with Max last year (back HERE…whoa I just looked at that link and started to get super emotional missing that boy) we had Erin do them for us.  

Remember Erin?  She took some family pictures for us not long before Max left.  Those pictures were priceless at the time and even more priceless as we get further away from that moment (back HERE). 
We figured Erin would be the perfect match to capture how Elle is right here, right now.
And we were right. 
I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the talking, but I’ll give you fair warning right here that there are a lot of them…

Erin’s website is HERE if you want to check out other moments she’s captured with babies and other seniors and families too.  She’s the best!

Thank you Erin, for capturing this girl of mine I don’t want to ever let go of!

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  1. Oh my goodness, how do you choose just one for the yearbook?! Such great photos and such a beautiful young lady. I hope Elle enjoys her last little bit of high school. Lisa in WA

  2. My oldest (also named Maxwell) and his twin sisters are 11 1/2 months apart… So I am looking at these pictures and thinking about how it seems like two months ago you were posting max's pictures and realizing that this is how fast it will go for us as well. 😒
    What a beautiful woman she has become!

  3. Wow, you will have a hard time choosing which one's to include with her announcement. You are right Shawni, don't blink, we spent last week-end in Rexburg, watching our only daughter graduate from COLLEGE, it goes by so fast. Seems like just yesterday we were dropping her off in Rexburg to start her college experience. Has Elle decided where she wants to go yet? I am quite a few years ahead of you and I am an "empty nester" now, it feels very strange and unsettling,I know it is just another phase of life, but I am not liking it much so far.

  4. Oh, how I feel your pain right now! My daughter is graduating this year as well (I have a son that graduated college in December) and she just brought her cap and gown home on Monday! I just can't seem to figure where all the time has gone! Wishing you all the best with her upcoming adventures! I'll be thinking of you and your family during this emotional time!! πŸ™‚

  5. I have a question, I have been reading your blog for years and it just occurred to me that I might be pronouncing Elle's name wrong. Is it "Ell" with a silent E or "Elle" adding the E at the end? Clear as mud? She is beautiful by the way and where did she decide to go to college?

  6. such a beautiful set of captures of this girl of yours. shes so beautiful. erin really did a great job on these. i miss erin here in vegas but so glad you got to meet her and have her take your family photos and elle's senior photos!

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