I love beautiful depictions of different interpretations of Christ’s birth. I love things that help me think about the details.

They help be go beyond “a baby was born in Bethlehem,” to how it would have been for Mary and Joseph to travel during that time? How must that have felt? How would it have been for Mary to give birth in such a place as she did? How did the shepherds feel wrapped up in the news? And the wise men…traveling so far to visit the Christ child. I love things that help me delve into more to bring it all closer to my heart.

So I think this little short video is so beautiful at Christmastime.

I think I shared it last year too, but here you go again.

May our time slow down enough to remember the reason for this season.

Sending lots of love this Monday morning!

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  1. I watched this last week and it really “humanized” what happened on that Holy Night. Not to take away from the reverence for Christ’s birth, but to help us realize Mary and Joseph were real people with thoughts, feelings, experiences, and fear! There had to be an element of anxiety between knowing you’re birthing the Son of God and not knowing what that means, and the stigma around her being a pregnant virgin. Yet they stuck together with faith and hope for the future. That’s a message I’ve never taken from the story of Christmas until this year.

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