I am going to see if I can start to stay a little more up-to-date around here.

Like, let’s talk about what happened this last weekend.

Started out with Lucy and I heading to Wisconsin for her doctor appointments.

These mother/daughter dates are usually pretty awesome.

I mean no one really wants to go to the doctor, right? But there is something pretty awesome about having this quality time just the two of us. And she has the best time with Dave when he takes her too. We have our routines down, she can lead the way. We actually enjoy all that travel time.

But this time we started out a little rocky. Both of us were so grumpy.

We were tired, we were hungry, I had tried to fit in too much right before we left. I had some deep mothering worries that have been keeping me up. Aching my heart.

We made it to Minnesota (we fly into Minnesota and then drive three hours to Marshfield, Wisconsin), and as I followed that girl of mine through the airport I just filled up with so much love for her.

Her braided hair (always these days, she insists).

Her red backpack filled right up with everything she could possibly need (but which she rarely really uses anything from).

Her face mask that is all fuzzy on the front because she has worn it so much, but she won’t switch to any other kind because she’s a already used to it and she’s girl of habit and averse to different textures.

Her white fluffy blanket that she takes everywhere, so it’s really not so fluffy any more, and wrapped in there is Leo the stuffed lion who she also doesn’t go anywhere without (at least she’s decided she doesn’t have to bring her pillow any more!).

Her foggy glasses since they’re always so smudged with fingerprints no matter what we try.

Her white cane leading the way.

She is a resilient young lady and I learn so much from her.

As we flew back over these mountains I looked down and wondered if any human had ever stood on those specific spots before:

They were so wild and rugged and untouched by modern expansion.

And I wondered, is that a little bit how this motherhood journey of mine is? So wild and rugged and untouched. I’m the one who has to figure it all out. Which is daunting and humbling but also, in some ways, invigorating and beautiful.

Her appointments were on Friday (we flew in Thursday), got home Friday night and it was “Claire’s parents” turn to come to her volleyball tournament (only three parents can go every time, in all for the whole team, so it’s exciting when it’s your turn!)

I walked under the gorgeous blossoms through the parking lot to get in that loud gym:

…and watched these girls work their tails off.

These pictures are biased towards Claire since she’s my girl, but they all played so hard and it’s so fun to watch.

The middles:

I switched off with Dave half way through the day and came home to watch from my phone:

…so I could get home and help get Claire’s stuff ready for prom that night.

She was a little stressed about timing with the tournament (five games that day!), but that girl came in like a whirlwind and we got her whipped into prom shape lickety-split:

(with an admiring mom and sister up there 🙂

I think that must have been some sort of a record turn-around time!

She got picked up and Dave and I headed out on a wedding-reception-visiting date (so grateful it feels like the world is opening so much safer), and phew, there’s the weekend wrap-up!

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  1. Prom girl looks so lovely :). I have a volleyball uniform question: boys wear long shorts. Why do girls like the bathing suit bottom look?
    I surely identify with restless nights with mom worries. The joys and the helpless feelings are a forever thing aren’t they.

    1. Hi Lissa,
      Unfortunately I don’t believe it’s the girls’ preference. As those very short shorts are the uniform for women’s volleyball, I’m not sure if they even have much of a choice if they wanted to wear something else. I suppose if they felt strongly they may be able to wear leggings, but it seems to just be part of the sport.

    2. Yes, I wondered that same thing, Lissa, when we joined the volleyball world.. Why do they wear those shorts? I don’t know why they don’t wear athletic shorts or something Jane is right, (thanks Jane!) it’s just the uniform. I think through the years I have just gotten used to it.

    1. Thank you! It was Graces that she had altered. Kind of fun to have both girls wear the same dress!

  2. I think that same thing when traveling over wilderness areas! I also think about that when visiting ancient buildings… Like, when was the last human to touch this?

  3. What a weekend! How I love that brave beauty Lucy! And parents who have been doing this for so long! Claire is gorgeous inside and out! And that adoring sister is pretty great too! There’s love in those eyes, all around!

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