Yesterday we celebrated fifty years of this guy.
How amazing is that? Fifty years for crying out loud!
And I’m putting this post in late tonight just because this guy, true to form, doesn’t want to be the center of attention.
But I do have to put at least something to commemorate this special occasion for my favorite person in the whole wide world.
See if you think he looks like his kids as he grew up:
Oh yeah, baby, look at that handsome guy. Cold sores and all 🙂
Ok, let’s just look at a few more:

Claire put together a little slide show yesterday to reminisce all those growing up years and it made me love him more than ever.
I am the luckiest that I’ve been with him now more than half of his whole life.

He’s the best dad ever.

He makes everything fun.
He doesn’t take “no” for an answer in life because he works his tail off to open doors.
And he encourages us all to work hard too. We all gave him “gifts” of things we’ve been working hard on. I loved Lucy’s…she worked her tail off on Braille lessons and wrote him a big long note in Braille:

He is everyone’s biggest cheer leader.
He sees the “big picture.”
He loves God.
And he loves his fellow man…always willing to dig in and help.

And he loves me.
Oh I could go on and on, but for now, I’ll just say that I am grateful a thousand times over that he’s mine.

Happy birthday baby.
best wishes all of you.
He is incredible!!! (That picture with Lucy on the stairs breaks my heart!) But God Bless her, she DOESN’T ever give up? I think the first 2 pictures look like Clare and the rest are ALL MAX!!! Great looking family!
Wow!! I think the kids when they were really young (from your early blogging days) all look like Dave! Happy birthday from a longtime reader! thank you both for being such a great example of marriage
I can all the kids in Dave, but especially Max in the older pics:)
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