A Thanksgiving Tradition I Love – The Thankful Tree

A Thanksgiving Tradition I Love – The Thankful Tree

Traditions are like glue holding a family together even after they aren’t really “together” any more. And I love things like that more than ever these days since so many of my kids aren’t snuggled up with me “together” here right now. One tradition I LOVE is our Thanksgiving tradition: our “Thankful Tree.” Our Thankful…

Thankful tree spreading roots

We started our traditional “Thankful Tree” on the first FHE in November. It’s gradually gaining more and more gratitude leaves each day. Hopefully it will be all filled up like it was last year by Thanksgiving. Oh man I love November.  So much to be grateful for! So this Monday we decided to gather to…

I am grateful for Activity Days, family trees and thankful trees

When girls turn eight in our church they get to start going to “Activity Days,” (they get to meet with all the other girls in the congregation and do activities based on ideas from the Faith in God program here.  It’s a pretty darn fun way to learn how to strengthen their testimonies, serve others, study the…