Ok so those two things in that title don’t really have anything to do with each other (except that my dad was pretty responsible for my actual birthday I guess), but I figured I’d put them both in one post because it’s kind of fun when dads being in town and birthdays happen to coincide. I turned one year older last week. Here is my family deliberating very, very seriously (almost prayerfully perhaps if you look at Dave…), on how to make it the best one yet:2013-01-24 iPhone 68754 Ok, I kid, I think they were more thinking β€œMan, I sure hope she gets this picture thing over with quick as a wink.”  They had sugar cereal to celebrate while I ate my delicious omelet Dave made me (he makes me omelets every Mother’s Day and birthday…they are my fav.) That blue thing in the background was my present, and we have already put it to good use:2013-01-25 misc 688362013-01-25 misc 688652013-01-25 misc 68891 We celebrated with some interesting concoctions of cakes.  You see, Claire and Grace and I are the only ones who took the β€œno sugar for a month of detox after Christmas” challenge, but we made an agreement from the beginning that we would still have sugar on birthdays.  So they were pleased as punch to have cake.  But I’m not eating gluten, so Elle made me my own special gluten free cake while Dave took me out to dinner: 2013-01-24 iPhone 68761 That gluten-free cake promptly fell apart the second she took it out of the oven.  Then She made gluten-free cookies which were actually divine.  Is that a sweet girl or what?  Anyway, amidst all the gluten-free scrambling someone (maybe Elle too?) made a normal cake for me to blow out candles from (and that the rest of the family would eat). 2013-01-24 misc 68799 We frosted it and put candles in it while it was still hot so this is what happened to them:2013-01-24 misc 68809 This is our attempt to get everyone in a picture:2013-01-24 misc 68810(I’m sure glad we got Max’s adam’s apple and chin in there…) Some sweet friends took me to lunch which I didn’t get a picture of, darn it, and my in-laws were kind enough to take me to lunch another day so it was a day well celebrated.2013-01-29 iPhone 69017 We had so much fun with my Dad in town.  His goal while he was here was to take each of the β€œaccountables” out on a special date one-on-one.  He calls the grand kids accountables when they are older than eight and are big enough to be in charge of a lot of important decisions in life.  Oh man, I love my dad. He has a special book that he will track all the dates they go on in their life time.  Here is he and Claire’s first entry:2013-01-24 misc 68811 …and Grace’s:2013-01-24 misc 68819 We didn’t get the book in this one but here these two are after their lunch date where he gave her some good pep talks about tennis tryouts this week and life in general.2013-01-26 misc 68956 …and I cannot believe I didn’t get one of he and Max, but I will tell you, if I had one, Max would be taller than he is, and would be smiling his big Max smile. We met the girls for lunch at the elementary school one day.2013-01-23 iPhone 687852013-01-23 iPhone 68787 Do these kids know how lucky they are to have this guy as their grandfather?2013-01-24 misc 68812 Someone who listens intently to everything they have to say and looks them in the eye and not only praises all the good they do, but notices it all.  Every bit of it.2013-01-24 misc 68817 They probably won’t comprehend it fully for years to come, but they sure do enjoy it, I tell you!2013-01-24 misc 68816 Yeah, it was a pretty good birthday gift to have that guy around.

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  1. How fun! I have to say that your dad doesn't seem real. I hope that sounds like a compliment, because it is. My goodness, he has got to be one in a million as far as being a present parent and grandparent. I'm in the middle of reading 3 of your parents books (yes, the middle of all of them–I start one and then the other one comes in the mail and I have to start that one, too!) and I'm amazed at how purposeful and conscientious they were/are as parents. You are a blessed gal!

  2. Your dad seems like such an awesome parent and grandparent (and husband, since I'm knee deep in A Joyful Mother of Children) – this post almost made him seem too good to be true! What a lucky family you have.

    You and Dave, and your parents are the type of parent I strive to be. Thank you ALL for sharing your gifts with us! I come to you (or your parents books) almost daily for refreshment.

  3. with a lump in my throat, and a tear in my eye, I know you know how amazing your dad is. Your children are beyond lucky to have grandparents who love them, nurture them, and want to be with them. Oh how I know they will cherish it!

  4. looks like a great birthday!

    i love your dad's idea!

    I wish our elementary school would have let parents come for lunch once in a while!

  5. I just love your blog and have never posted. I so envy the relationship you have with your parents! I can tell you appreciate them which I just love! Thanks for your wonderful blog!!

  6. Happy Birthday! I too celebrated my birthday recently-Jan. 26th was the Big 40 for me this year! Looks like you had a good one! Your father is amazing; what lucky kids and grandkids he has!

    I just started my own photography business and love that blue backdrop you got. Where did they get it? I am looking for one just like that for a graduation gig I have in May.

  7. Looks as though your birthday was a Hair-Raising experience! How did you do that? I'm so glad that Dad could be there with you since that doesn't happen very often anymore! Gosh is seems as though we were your age about a year ago! Where does that time go.

    Happy Birthday! Again!

  8. I voted for you on apartment therapy's Best Family & kids Blog! Was sent there from another blog but I really like reading your posts and advice for families. πŸ™‚

  9. I haven't been to your blog in FOREVER!We have been extremely busy lately with life as my husband was diagnosed with a grade 4 brain tumor, so blogs have sort of taken a backseat! My daughter still reads your blog though and I saw her reading the other day and decided to check it out!!!

    ELLE looks just LIKE YOU~ your dad is FABULOUS!!!

    have a beautiful day!
    love, tara

  10. My dad really loves your dad too. Ever since he was his mission president back in England he's always had a huge impact on him. To this day, we still get emails from my dad with snippets of your dad's column. I feel like I've known him since I was born. You guys were over at my parents house a few weeks ago for Melissa Farnsworth's party and they said they got to talk to you about him. It made my dad's night to be able to talk to an Eyre!!! πŸ˜‰

  11. What a great post! One question. Where did your family get the background from? Looks amazing. Do you have any recommendation for good website and what kind to get? Thanks and Happy belated birthday!!!

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