But I figured I’d share it with the blog world too, because everyone could use some Christmas cheer, right? 🙂
Here’s a little snippet of the dress rehearsal:
…and here’s the very end of the real-deal performance they gathered us for on Sunday night:
Quite the performance I tell you 🙂
Oh man, these two…
When I first glanced at that first picture, I thought you were posting an old picture of Elle. I cannot believe how much Elle and Claire look alike. So sweet!
They did a great job!!!
Very very cute!! Can I ask where you got the great bookshelf in the background? Love it!
Their little performance is too cute! I am always excited to read your blog- I love your insight on parenting and your family life!
@Graicee: I believe the answer to the bookshelf is in this post (https://71toes.com/2011/09/friday-q-random.html)- I reread some Q&A on the blog and remember seeing this question before 😉
Umm, they are the cutest things ever!
awe, how cute!!!
I've always noticed how stunning all of your kids are, and how cute their outfits are. I'm 19 & sometimes I think Grace & Claire are more stylish than I am, haha 🙂 I just wanted you to let your girls know how impressed with them I am to see them always looking gorgeous in their modest clothes. They are such great examples to me and to lots of other girls (even college girls haha). Max is a cutie too, can't believe he's so tall!
Your Claire reminds me of my 10 yr old daughter who is always creating performances and getting her sisters to join her. Cute girls!