I shared this on Instagram, but wanted to share here too.

Can you see those little almost-rubbed-off letters on those fingers up there?

There was a night a few weeks ago where this girl needed a pretty serious pick-me-up.

Sometimes high school transitions aren’t a walk in the park. Especially when you want with all your heart to be independent but your eyes are making that tricky. So as I was grasping at straws to try to figure out how to lift this girl out of her sorrows I thought of my wise dad.

I remembered how when I was sad growing up, he worked magic. (I was younger than this but I think this works at every age!) He would scoop me up and take my fingers and write the first initial of all the things he thought I was good at on my fingertips.

And as he wrote, that little act transformed my insecurities and sorrows. I was empowered. Someone saw the goodness in me when I couldn’t find it in myself.

Now, I know it’s important for us as parents for us to help our kids find their own goodness, but sometimes they can use a little help.

And that night I felt those black thunderclouds brighten as my girl and I sat snuggled together with a sharpie and some fingertips, the air transformed around us, and I was overwhelmed with gratitude for this amazing girl I get to call my own.

And also for my wise dad❤️

For more quick parenting ideas to build love and relationships, try these links:

How to make kids feel love (part 1)

(This post is really “part 2”)

The “Fighting Bench”

Five-Facet Reviews

And one more, because I think technology can sure put a damper on the love our kids feel:

Why I think technology is ruining our kids (and their relationships)

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  1. I love the idea of lifting our kids. Life is tough right now, for everyone. School is tough and finding your place. Especially when there is bullying going on, sometimes you just need to lift any way you can.

  2. For her virtual finger tip: I think that Lucy writes *amazing* thank you cards! And not just in a “what a cute child” way, they are better than those by many adults.

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