Some day I’ll clear off my plate enough to fit in a class to help me shift up my photography.  Right now I’m in a rut.  I’m trying to give myself assignments.  This last week I worked more on the no-pose thing.  It helps me see things in different ways.  And I love that Grace is on board to give some new ideas a try too.  
So here was our sunset bike ride to the pier…Grace and I both took some pics to try to challenge ourselves. 

  (Does it count as a no-pose if they’re closing their eyes?  Ha!)

(We had a “looker” in that one above but I’m still putting it in because Grace will rarely pose for pictures and I love that face.)



 or posed:

 I guess I like both šŸ™‚

If anyone has any amazing photography classes with other ideas to mix up how photos are taken, send the info. my way!


  1. Hey here! I love your pictures so much and have been an avid reader of your blog for a while. Iā€™m actually interested as well in expanding my knowledge of photography and had been meaning to ask if you knew of someone or any classes available in the desert that you would recommend. I could privately message you as well. I need/am seeking practice/mentoring! Ty very much.

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