I’ve wanted to write about SO many thoughts and feelings in conjunction with this humongous news ever since August, but I have been waiting (as patiently as possible) for permission to share.
Dave had randomly joked with the kids in Peru in the midst of some conversation that whoever had the first baby would get a big reward. And when Dave and I went up for Claire’s volleyball game shortly after we got home, Max and Abby were kind of excited to get in the car with me and Dave…a little anxiously. As soon as we got in, Max said, “hey, remember that reward you were talking about in Peru?” And Dave and I knew exactly what he was talking about, our hearts pumping outside of our chests.
They pulled out the ultrasound pictures and we were all kind of shaking looking at them, a little shocked (total surprise although I had the inkling lately that they wouldn’t wait much longer, a total surprise for them too, it happened fast!), and SO excited.
A little while after we left them, Elle FaceTimed us from Florida, eyes as big as saucers, because they had called to tell her and Carson too. So fun to share that little secret.
A few weeks later they told Grace and Claire. Max and Abby had this idea to have a “Baby on Board” sticker in their car and see if we could catch on to tell us, but they got too excited when we were there and told us in the car.
But they figured they’d use that idea for Grace and Claire.
But then they also got too excited to not mess with the car thing and so they just pulled out the “Baby on Board” caution signs when they were over at their apartment. We got the recorded reaction and it was the sweetest thing ever, Claire bawling and Grace jumping on Abby and so much excitement all around.

Lucy’s reaction was a little different…which is a story for another day. Lots wrapped up in that.
But I’ll just say for today she has warmed up to the idea so beautifully it almost makes me teary to think about.
We call the baby “peanut” and it’s just been so fun to have this little family secret for so long.
Max and Abby found out the sex and called us last month to let us know there’s a GIRL on the way and we are all just so excited.
To us she looks like she just might be the most beautiful baby in the whole wide world.

My boy is going to be a dad (and I know I’m biased but he just might be the cutest one there will ever be, fun to have Abby call every now and again to tell me how cute he is about everything). And Oh! Abby will be such a great mama.
We are all in love.
Dave and I are on to GRANDPARENTHOOD.
Ready or not!
Abby and little peanut seem to be developing beautifully well.
And THAT is a thing to be THANKFUL for, leading into Thanksgiving.
Congrats to you all on this wonderful news. I’m really happy & excited for you all. x
A million congratulations! <3
You are in for such a treat! Grandparenthood is the BEST-the spice of life! Congratulations!!!
Oh my goodness I am SO excited for all of you!!!!!!!!! Wonderful wonderful wonderful news!!!!!
This is amazing!!!! Congratulations!!! I’m so excited for all of you!
Congratulations to you guys and the rest of your family too; grandkids are just the BEST!!!!!
Well this is just the MOST exciting news! Congrats to all!
Congratulations to your whole family!
Oh my goodness, that’s such wonderful news! Congratulations Pothiers! You and Dave are going to be such wonderful grandparents.
Congratulations to your entire family! You and Dave will be the cutest Grandparents! What an exciting time!
Congratulations to Max and Abby and to the new Grandparents. Being a Grandparent is the best thing ever, we have two girls born on the same day eleven years apart. The love for your kids is overwhelming but the love for your grands is a whole other level. We get to have baby Edith one day a week, we are blessed that all our kids are close by. You will also love the increased love between your adult children as they learn to be parents and Aunties together. My daughter Grace is a month older than Lucy and said she wasn’t prepared for the love she feels for our newest addition. I hope and pray all goes well for mum and baby 💖
Oh this is so amazing!!! Congratulations to you all !!!!
Sooo exciting
Congratulations to all! Being a grandmother is the best! I have a 2 year old grandson and I’m obsessed!
A million congratulations and so much to be grateful for this week!!! Prayers for a healthy and easy pregnancy for Abby and a healthy peanut!!!
This is so wonderful! Congratulations!!
Congratulations! You four are a total checkerboard in that first picture 🙂
Oh my goodness! You’ll love being a grandparent! My daughters had their children in their late 30’s…. I felt like I waited forever, but they started arriving the year I retired. Now, we have a 6, 5, 4, 3 year. We still need to travel to the East Coast or north toward San Francisco, but we’ve got the time now.
How exciting! Congratulations to all of you!
Wonderful news!
Congratulations to everyone 💚
Congratulations!!! So happy and excited for your family!
Congratulations to your whole family!!! Best news ever!
Congratulations! We had our first grand baby 2 year ago and being a grandparent is THE BEST!!
Congratulations. Such wonderful happy news 🙂
Congratulation!! May god bless you and the baby!
How exciting!! Congratulations to all!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an exciting time for all of you! This whole post made me smile ear-to-ear and I can’t wait to hear of Lucy’s reaction. You are all going to be super in your new roles as grandparents, aunts and parents!
You are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE being a grandma! Start watching Costco and Sam’s for playhouse for your yard, & a covered sandbox; get yourself a pack and play for visits — I could go on and on!! It’s the VERY BEST THING EVER. Our oldest (of nine) granddaughter graduated from high school this past spring, and our youngest went to first grade (no more playmate for Grandma!) this fall. If you think your own kids grow up quickly, you will not believe how fast it goes with the grands.
I didn’t care what the kids called me – but it turns out #1 named me “Guh” (her mom was trying to get her to sound out grandma, and she only got Guh) which morphed to Guggy sometimes as well. I even have a Utah license vanity plate that says GUGGY. Something to think about – what you want to be called. If you know anyone in Texas, they have THE MOST ORIGINAL names ever for grandparents. No one in Texas even flinches when our Houston g-kids call me Guggy. My husband is Pa – something easy to say. It also helps if both grandmas have different names.
These are the best years ahead!
You are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE being a grandma! Start watching Costco and Sam’s for a playhouse for your yard, & a covered sandbox; get yourself a pack and play for visits — I could go on and on!! It’s the VERY BEST THING EVER. Our oldest (of nine) granddaughter graduated from high school this past spring, and our youngest went to first grade (no more playmate for Grandma!) this fall. If you think your own kids grow up quickly, you will not believe how fast it goes with the grands.
I didn’t care what the kids called me – but it turns out #1 named me “Guh” (her mom was trying to get her to sound out grandma, and she only got Guh) which morphed to Guggy sometimes as well. I even have a Utah license vanity plate that says GUGGY. Something to think about – what you want to be called. If you know anyone in Texas, they have THE MOST ORIGINAL names ever for grandparents. No one in Texas even flinches when our Houston g-kids call me Guggy. My husband is Pa – something easy to say. It also helps if both grandmas have different names.
These are the best years ahead!
PS You may want to tell your married kids that FAMILY PLANNING is an oxymoron. Kids come to you, when they’re gonna come! We had 3 in 4 years; then a five year gap for the caboose. It’s all good, and we were thrilled whenever they showed up!
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Congratulations! Being grandparents is just the best!
Congratulations!! SUCH exciting news! We nicknamed our eldest daughter Peanut when she was born & sixteen years later it still makes me smile. And she loves it, too:) xoxo