See those little red squares at the bottom? We put Chinese characters up on the projector and they got to choose their own initials to mark their work.
Claire begged to come to Lucy’s class with me next.
Van Gogh’s Starry Night was on the rotation for the third grade that month.
Claire and I demonstrated some steps to help them reproduce their own rendition of that masterpiece on the board and they owned that assignment I tell you!
I have noticed through the years that kids think it’s the best thing ever when I go around as they work and hold up random kid’s projects to “show them off” to the rest of the class. I make sure I get to everyone and they beam as the other kids oooo and ahhhhh at their creations.
I loved when Claire started doing this in Lucy’s classroom.
At the end of the school year there is always an “Art Walk” family night where families come see an assortment of the art that has been done through Art Masterpiece.
Each classroom picks one project to present on their bulletin board in the hallway for the walk. We chose our Starry Night creations for Lucy’s class and the other mom who rotated with me in that class this year came to meet me to put up the art.
I loved that our daughters were so interested in helping us figure out how to display their masterpieces.
I know I have a picture of Claire’s classroom’s display somewhere but I can’t find it so for now, that’s a wrap.
I wonder if Claire would be mortified if I petitioned to come teach art masterpiece in one of her classes in junior high next year?
Love this and love thinking about you posting this at the Lighthouse. I nice place to post! Those were so good days doing classroom art. I loved it too! Don't remember doing it for the Jr. High kids though. 🙂
Is Art Masterpiece a Phoenix based program only? My girl's school in California doesn't have any sort of art, and I would love for them to do something like this!
I love the art recaps – this seems like such a fun program!