By the time I arrived at Bear Lake it was already buzzing with activity.

And thick with beauty.

This is one of my favorite “thin places,” surrounded by family, filled with memories, and cradled in such beauty.

Grandkids dressed as princesses around every corner, sand filled with kids, cookies being made, sky being basked in.

Lucy had arrived the day before me, in her element with cousins…and uncles too.

Grammie Camps were well under way:

Kids returning from those camps clutching new prize possessions they have created or bought. I love to see the change in demeanor when they return after their camps, filled with knowledge of ancestors and courage to do their next “impossibles,” and even more thoroughly loved than before

“Grandfather’s Secrets” too, and “treasure chests” being made:

Oh love my parents so much. And so grateful for the love and wisdom and goodness infused in my own kids all these years at Bear Lake.

MFME Gathering

That first evening I got whisked away with the women for our annual MFME gathering on the other side of the lake:

I loved sitting side-by-side with these wise mentor women, each spilling out details of life one-by-one. Each of us with our own troubles and glory. Slowly but surely, those updates stretched through from dinner to milkshakes:

…and to the Lighthouse late with my Dad quietly listening in.


Lu and I were so happy to be reunited with Bo, who drove up with my brother Josh:

To be reunited with late-nights in the crowded kitchen, the oppressive heat lingering from the day, making cookies and prepping for meals for the next day.

The grand reunion of the “LELEs” (Lucy’s cousin group her age):

Reunited with old and new games on the “talking couches:”

Reuniting with our nightly sunset walks to bask in that Bear Lake sky:

Reuniting with Grace and Dave…

…and then Max, Abby and Murphy too (although we had just been together in the valley, it’s always a good reunion!

Speaking of Murphy…

One of my favorite moments this year was sharing Murphy with all the cousins while Max and Abby were up at the “marrieds” lunch at the lighthouse right after they arrived.

Those cousins standing in line positively beaming with delighted smiles and pleas to hold murphy.

It was the most endearing thing.

Other Good Bear Lake things:

Kids throwing rocks, dogs abounding (two of my sisters have dogs too), talking with different groups watching the sparkles spread out to the sun. The sound of the boat roaring to life, paddleboarders and kayaking, kids’ delight on the lilypad.

Morning runs, especially when with my girl:

(Bo followed us one time and we didn’t have her leash so this was the result.)

An occasional pull-up-of-the-boat with my Dad ready to take us out to dig deeper and jump into that turquoise blue.

The outings with kids who are all skiers now behind this old 25-year-old boat that just keeps on going, thanks to my tinkering brothers’ help:


Bear Lake sky

I adore the ever-changing sky, from brilliant azure to pale with patchy clouds, also the billowy ones, sun rays streaming out in every direction creating halos on the sagebrush as the sun sinks low. Sometimes peaceful and sometimes turbulent and windy (I love when the wind picks up), just like the shadows of the moods encircling all of us in that spot.

And then, as everyone finally arrived, it was on to the real-deal:

Eyrealm Reunion 2024. Recap coming soon!

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  1. Beautiful pics! I always enjoy hearing about your big family reunion. It is such a beautiful place you have been blessed with. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your time there:).

  2. I wonder, you all seem like such extroverts, which is great, but as you continue to grow in number, how are the introverts (there have to be a few at least!) handling this? Staying in one (or a couple?) place with this many people with a planned itinerary and lots of logistics to share would honestly not be my favorite thing!

    1. I’ve often wondered this too.

      I’m very much an introvert & can’t do things in a group/team & the thought of all this would really scare me.

      Also, altho I do get on with my relatives, I definitely couldn’t spend about a week with them.

    2. This is a great question. The majority of us are extroverts and I know it’s a little tricky for the more introverted ones. My brother had us read this book to help us understand where he’s coming from, which has really helped:

  3. No one is expecting and no new babies. Are a bunch of kids missing? Oregon or college/missions? Love the Bear Lake posts.

    1. Oliver & Silas have just recently started their missions & Eliza is studying in London.

      Not sure of any others tho.

      1. Claire is in Australia. Oliver and Silas started. The next post shows one of Saydi’s and one of Noah’s kids about to go. Eliza finished hers. So I guess 5 out same time. A few families a lot less in spotlight so more could have gone for all we know. Not that we have to know. Those kids are also old enough to have jobs and just not be able to get away. Or classes. Or camera shy? The next post has more the group. But half the grandkids adults. When did the time go?

    2. Yes lots were missing this year with a few on missions and a couple on study abroad and also a couple who were working (including Elle and Carson). We sure missed them!

  4. Just for kicks, I’d be interested in a tour (via photos) of the Bear Lake property sometime! I’m curious in how everything is laid out (is the house right on the water with a deck underneath? or is that a boathouse?)

    1. I think there is a link somewhere on a rental property site since my parents rent it when we’re not there…I’ll have to find that link so you can see how it works!

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