Ok, so I never set out to talk much about religion here on the blog.

I’m just here to talk about mothering and family.

But I guess religion (I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) is interwoven into that family and mothering in so many ways, it may be one of the biggest things I get asked questions about.

Why do we do this or that?

What do we think about the history of our church?

Is everyone in my family an “active” member of the church?

How did our parents teach us religiously?

So I wanted to be sure my sisters and I did a podcast about all this.

Because our religion is something pretty dear to our hearts.

It is infiltrated into how our family works, how we try to live life, how we raise our own kids, how we work to connect with God.

So here we go: a new episode of “In the Arena with the Eyre Sisters” addressing all this airs TODAY (this post was from yesterday):

I’m so anxious to hear what you’ll think, if you get a chance to listen, come back and share. And if you have any additional questions, ask away.

I just ask that you keep questions and/or comments respectful and thoughtful so that we can better learn from each other.

Happy Tuesday, and happy listening!


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  1. Thanks for sharing! I am not LDS but keeping up somewhat with the news I have heard about changes in policies over the last 10-20yrs and I would be curious to hear how your upbringing in the church differs from that of your kids. Are there things now you wish you got to grow up with and are there things that have changed that you wish your kids got to grow up with? I am always interested in learning about generational changes and how we can learn and those who come before and after us.
    Thank You in advance!

  2. About to listen after I get the kiddo to nap. Thank you for talking about religion! I am Catholic, so about as opposite of LDS as you could get, but I get a lot of inspiration from other denominations and faiths. For example, family home evening seems such a joy, so we have added ideas from it (as a concept) to our family. Lately, I’ve been taking inspiration and practical advice from Hassidic Jewish moms on how to make the Sabbath holy and a day of rest. I’ve been making a feast every Sunday… The day before. So I get to rest on the day of rest, but it still feels like a feast day.

    I feel like religious people have more in common with other religious people than we do with non-religious people, and there’s a lot to share there. 🙂

  3. It was so great! I loved how each of you have had different spiritual journeys even though you belong to the same faith and I love how you talked about the grey areas of our religion and that’s ok! I think it was so awesome as a parent who has a child who is struggling to believe, to feel not alone , but to feel like it’s all ok! I’d love to hear in future episodes some real life topics that you are going through now with your children and adult children and how you are navigating that in these days!!! Or how cool would it be to even have a deep conversation about a topic and have one of your kids guest star!

  4. I loved this! Shawni A lot of this episode has really stuck with me, but especially Saren (I think it was Saren!) talking about her child telling her that he didn’t see lots of joy in her devotion to God. It sort of stopped me in my tracks because I tend to see God IN joy, rather than practice my religion joyfully. Still noodling over this and so much more you all said!

  5. Really good conversation. I wouldn’t personally answer the question of whether alllll my sibs are active church members. I feel like that’s a moving target for anyone. This came out in the podcast with individuals, but it’s really not the business of your readers. When my teenager came out strongly against our LDS religion, I told her we really don’t know the deep thoughts of anyone. They could be sitting on the stand conducting the meeting and just be doing it as a role they were given. We really don’t know. A lot of the stuff in our religion is based on cultural expectations and outward appearances. There is a lot of good there too. The Mother Teresa stuff was really good.

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