I just want to thank everyone SO much who helped spread the word and raise matching funds to fight blindness before Christmas. We just got the reports back and since everything was matched TWO times by such generous contributions, together we raised almost $28,000!!!
No, I’m not mixed up on the numbers and yes, there are really THREE zeros there. THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who helped out.
Of course, we’re still working on this and want to continue fighting for Lucy and others with these issues. Remember all proceeds from our book go to these foundations and of course, they’ll accept any donations people want to send directly their way.
Lucy’s future self is thanking everyone from the bottom of her heart…and I’m sure the future hearts of others who will be blessed because of this are swelling up too.
Thank you!!
Oh my gosh!!!
How did you know I got the D700??
You could seriously tell?
I haven't really posted much yet that was taken with it. Only the sunbeam pics.
I can totally tell a difference, tho, just looking at the images on the viewfinder….I can't wait to really test it out…..too behind on editing right now.
But yes, tell Dave that you definitely NEED one!
Shawni, That's so amazing! All your hard work is paying off for sweet lil Lucy! You are awesome!