For the past week I’ve been blown away every time I drive into our neighborhood. It’s finally Fall in the desert, and the colors make me so happy:I know it’s nothing compared to back East, and this is right after they just raked up all the gorgeous leaves on the ground (I wish they’d leave them), BUT we’ll take what we can get.

So, as I soak in the small amount of color we get here, I keep getting reminded that I never finished posting stuff from Boston. And although it’s been months, it still deserves to be posted.

I mean, seriously, Max and I still keep getting smiles on our faces as we reminisce about Blue Man Group and sight-seeing there, and I keep getting sad when I click on my sister Saydi’s blog when I see how huge that little newborn is getting. We live too far away for me to snuggle her more often and that makes me sad.

She was just so tiny back then!ooops, wrong “baby.” Don’t you love that pose though? And I love that she’s holding a loaf of bread (in that plastic bag). She’s a total carb loader and treats loaves of bread like they’re her babies.

Anyway, here’s that sweet little newborn:I love when they’re just little balls like that.Oh man I loved having that baby in my arms. My favorite part of the trip was when I got to sleep with her for one night and feed her a bottle when she woke up to give Saydi a little break. It brought back so many memories of that sleepy, newborn alone time with my own babies.

On the last day we were there the REAL baby experts arrived: my parents. It was so great to see them and soak them in for a day since they had been out of the country for six weeks.

I can’t even begin to explain how great it is to have my mom around after you have a baby.And my Dad sure adds some fun for the grandkids…My mom and I went to Saydi’s birthing center with her (where we were supposed to have been able to see little Emmeline be born…she was too quick for us).
I just have to say a couple more things about Boston itself too. I mean, look at this place!!
Look at all the brickwork everywhere you look…
Even brick sidewalks.
A little grafitti here and there…
One of the pictures I took while we were driving.

Now let’s compare all that to a picture I had Elle took while we were driving here the other day:Hmmm…just a teensy bit different. We’re surrounded by stucco and gravel and cacti. Brick is pretty hard to come by here. I’m not complaining…I think it’s 68 degrees today, but I’m just sayin’…

So, thanks again, guys for hosting us and letting us share that baby with you.
We loved every minute of it.

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  1. OK, I have to tell you…I think your Lu might be the cutest baby on the planet. I mean, even cuter than mine. Isn’t that terrible for a mother to say? But it’s true!!! I could look at pictures of her cherubic face all day!

    My prayers are with Lu and the rest of your beautiful family!

  2. I have been loving the “fall” we have been having here. It is the best!! I took some pictures to post on my blog, but yours way out do mine.

    Your Boston pics are making me want to got back…soon!!

  3. I couldn’t agree with you more about the desert compared with back east color. Not complaining here either, but I get what you are saying. This last picture of Lucy and the baby is just angelic. I read about all your doctor visits and the stress of it all and I am so sorry, but the strength you have is amazing. I wanted to say thank you for letting us in and sharing your beautiful family with all of us.

  4. Wow, what fabulous pictures Shawns! I can’t believe all these wonderful ones that we never saw. LOVE the one where I look like I dropped out of Mars at the Birthing Center and really DO love the one of Dad with those little girls…along with Lucy and Emmeline and Saydi and…well all of them! I love your camera!

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