I already wrote about the 4th in California back here, but have to post a few more pictures for memory’s sake.

Four years ago we started a tradition of going to Coronado with nine other families.  Our kids think it’s the greatest thing in the entire planet to get to hang out with so many other kids they love in such a gorgeous place.2013-07-04 kiley's pics 80494
Us parents don’t think it’s so bad either.2013-07-04 Coronado 80177
2013-07-04 Coronado 801632013-07-04 Coronado 801652013-07-04 Coronado 801692013-07-04 Coronado 801932013-07-04 Coronado 801982013-07-04 Coronado 802042013-07-04 Coronado 802132013-07-04 Coronado 802212013-07-04 Coronado 80225
A few of the other families I didn’t get time to post when I posted back on the 4th:2013-07-04 Coronado 802422013-07-04 Coronado 802532013-07-04 Coronado 802562013-07-04 Coronado 802672013-07-04 Coronado 80275
2013-07-04 Coronado 802782013-07-04 Coronado 80281
I’m mad I didn’t get there in time to get pictures of all of them.
Lu was frustrated about that too:)2013-07-04 Coronado 80286
These next pictures are compliments of Kiley, one of the awesome-photographer teenagers there with us who we love.2013-07-04 kiley's pics 804562013-07-04 kiley's pics 804682013-07-04 kiley's pics 804822013-07-04 kiley's pics 80489
Pretty good, right?2013-07-05 Coronado 806152013-07-04 Coronado 801602013-07-05 Coronado 80620
After taking a year off from the sand castle tradition, Denny started it right back up again.2013-07-05 Coronado 806082013-07-05 Coronado 80625
This time the Eiffel Tower was the goal.2013-07-05 Coronado 806282013-07-05 Coronado 80637
I think they did a pretty good job.2013-07-05 Coronado 806462013-07-05 Coronado 806602013-07-05 Coronado 806822013-07-05 Coronado 806852013-07-05 Coronado 807042013-07-05 Coronado 80713
2013-07-05 Coronado 80639
Max missed a couple days because of his junior national volleyball tournament in Reno.
We dearly missed him and were so glad when he got to join us.  2013-07-05 iPhone 82832I must say he was pretty psyched to get there too. 

He went in to give Claire a big hug and stepped on her toe weird which broke it forcing it to bend over all skiwumpus.2013-07-05 iPhone 82831
She still managed a smile, however, when we got the Burger Lounge.2013-07-05 iPhone 82833(Who wouldn’t?)

The kids love to hang out in this little atrium place.2013-07-06 Coronado 80718
2013-07-06 Coronado 807202013-07-06 Coronado 807232013-07-06 Coronado 807652013-07-06 Coronado 80793
2013-07-06 iPhone 82838
How grateful we are for all these good people we get to catch up with each year.  Thanks Masons for making it happen!!

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  1. How fun! I have to say I'm a bit jealous. We've been saving to go to San Diego and can't wait. I want to live in a world where everyone is stylish, beautiful, and rich too! What's everyone's secret?! Haha!

  2. Beautiful. What is the game they are playing with that giant stretchy band green thing? Looks like something our youth at church would like to do, or at least the Young Women!

  3. I just love your blog!!! I can't check it everyday because reading just one isn't enough, so I usually check it at the end of the week so I have much more to read or view (photos)!! I was the one who emailed you not too long ago with the quote about that 'pulse of your family'…I still love that one and reflect on it a lot =) While seeing this blogpost I had two thoughts…the first was, how awesome it is for you and your family to get along with so many families…that must be uplifting and peaceful, the next one was, you guys know the most gorgeous families!! How proud they all must be of each other =)

  4. We love the burger lounge 🙂 and Coronado. We are on our way back to Mesa from Coronado as I type this. Have you ever made it over to Point Loma to check out the lighthouse and the tide pools? Glad you had such an awesome time. 🙂

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