Claire got back into soccer this last season.
Ha! But honestly, it is so dang fun to watch as the level of play gets more intense.
Claire adores that sport.
And we adored watching her fancy footwork out there.
She got goals in almost every game, and was SO mad in the one she didn’t. That girl has got some competitiveness in her I tell you!
She was on the cutest little team filled with some pretty talented and darling girls.
This is how it looks to play soccer in the desert in the winter:
They don’t replant with winter grass so it’s kinda like playing on straw.
(I just thought that was an interesting little tid-bit to help narrate here 😉
We lucked out with a pretty awesome coach who gave out awards at our little end-of-the-season-pizza-at-the-park-wrap-up.
The coach and just about all those cute girls are signed up to do it all over again next season.
Can’t wait!
Wait, what am I saying…I CAN wait, because I’ll admit I always get pretty excited about the last practice and game of the season. I’m always ready for a little break. But when we’ve had a chance to rejuvenate a bit it will be fun to see what this team can pull off next season too.
And to watch Claire’s eyes sparkle about it all over again.
We are committed to coming during soccer season next year. We knew Clare would be great! Maybe she could a a backflip and knock that ball right into the net one of these times! 🙂
We are committed to coming during soccer season next year. We knew Clare would be great! Maybe she could a a backflip and knock that ball right into the net one of these times! 🙂