I whine about how much I miss my babies on this blog a lot. Because I do, and I always will. But man alive, college kids are so much fun too. There is nothing in the whole wide world like watching your kids become. Oh, there are the tough parts. There is heartbreak and there are worries. So many things to pray your guts out about. But oh boy, this rollercoaster ride sure is a thrilling one. I love having long talks with Grace over FaceTime, each of us doing our “thing” as we chat. She is thriving right now and it’s so fun to see her glow as she plans out her future. I love hearing Elle’s takes on life as she maneuvers through her two jobs and school and wedding planning (we’ve come up for air from the stressful part of all that planning, at least for now after setting some good things in place and hallelujah for that!).
And Max and Abby? Adore those two. And it’s so fun to have them close enough that we get to see them a little more often.
It’s kind of lucky for Dave that he has had some work meetings in Utah over the last month. He’s been able to go to some volleyball games up there, which is pretty fun, as anyone who has attended a BYU volleyball game will tell you.

I love when Abby sends me snippets like this:
That place is rocking with team spirit I tell you! And it’s so fun to see Max there in the midst of all those amazing players (he’s still considered a freshman and a walk-on and boy howdy, they have a good mix of incredible players in that game so he is a great supporter from the sidelines for now).

Dave and I got to go to the first season home game weekend together (one on Friday and one on Saturday).

Fun to have all these fun people we know up there to hang with us too: friends and cousins and all that love.

We had the funniest experience trying to have a pedicure with Abby during one of Max’s practices.

..hard to explain but one for the memory books! Gosh we’re so lucky to have that girl as our daughter-in-law, love her so much!

Happened to be there the same weekend there was a track meet so we got to watch my nephew’s wife compete…

Go Kyndal! Pole vaulting is pretty amazing.

The second game:

Somehow it’s become a tradition to get sushi every time we are together. If you live in Utah and you haven’t tried Itto Sushi you better get your bootie on over there to have the best of the best.

That last picture reminds me of this “time hop” app my brother did with Dave one night. You know those apps where it shows what it predicts you looked like when you were younger? Check out Dave’s:

Is it just me or does that look just like Max?? Crazy.
We got to go hang at Max and Abby’s cute little house they have made so cozy and welcoming:

Max made me a pretty delicious smoothie that was healthy too, and we played cards and man, I love those two.
Before we took off to come back home we got to check out the construction they’re doing on the temple…
…and hit Music and the Spoken Word. Love being there for that.

And then we headed home.
Yep, college kids are pretty awesome. So grateful we get another one joining the mix (although we already claim him) in April. WooHoo!
Love that Abby is always standing on tippy toes in all the pictures.
You spend a lot of time out of state. Could that be part of the reason for the last post? Your older three kids are adults, they grew up well. One has been married, another graduating college. You only need to parent two of the five.
Thank you, I too believe these kids have grown up well. So well. This is not parenting per se, this is staying connected with the kids who carry off pieces of your heart and will hold them forever and ever.
Parenting is never over. And also, what’s wrong with enjoying your children as adults?
The older ones now were their whole world when they were little years ago. Before the little ones were born. Now is the time for younger ones now to be their whole world now that the house is a little empty. The little ones were dragged to the older siblings music performances and games. Doesn’t seem fair that their older siblings matches are still such a priority as well as the construction progress on a temple. They can get updates on that other ways. It was only the last post that made think of this. Perhaps I read the last post wrong? And they were just home for Christmas.
Grown kids are great (I have two)! I love how your big extended family shows up and supports one another. So awesome! I’ve never seen such a crowd and so much excitement at a volleyball game. What fun!
How is Max still a freshman on volleyball? Just wondering how this all works.
Good question. He red-shirted last year so this is his first year of real play potential so that makes him a volleyball freshman.
Love that guy ad his darling wife! Astonishing picture of Dave at Max’s age. We love the game we got to see! Such a fun era!