Let’s talk about connecting with love on Valentine’s Day…even when you’re far away from some of your valentines.
Because I’m telling you, it’s tricky when some of your valentines are spread out far and wide!
Of course, we took advantage of having our one remaining child here in person on Valentine’s morning, and she was delighted with my quick decorations and the heart-shaped pancake Dave whipped up.

I slapped these hearts up in her bathroom the night before, and as I wrote I just filled up with so much love for that girl of mine.

I sure hope she feels it in her bones.

Family Valentines heart attack
Luckily us three left at home still felt the love from the other kids since I have kept a few of their hearts from our traditional “heart attack” each year. (and I’m pretty sure their sentiments haven’t changed, ha!)
Love feeling all that family love in the kitchen each February.

We got to FaceTime with almost all our Valentines (missed Elle and Lar).

…but got them the next day.

Of course, we had to make heart-shaped pizzas with Lucy, because who would change that tradition??
And after that my main most important Valentine.
We had a special later-night date dinner and talking date.

I’m so lucky he’s my forever valentine.

And why not end this summary of our 2023 day of love with this fuzzy gal, all dolled up for the big day:
