Let’s talk about delicious creamy potato soup. My daughter Grace made it and I figured it’s time for her to share. So here we go!

Guest post from Grace

Hey my name’s Grace and here’s a change for once! šŸ™‚
I’m taking a cooking class at school and I learned how to make this delicious soup.
I was so excited about it that I came home and made it for my family and my mom took pictures (of course) and wanted me to share it with you.

How to Make Creamy Potato Soup


(I doubled this recipe):
2 medium potatoes
3 Tbs. butter
3 Tbs. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. celery salt (we didn’t have any but it still tasted good)
1 Tbs. dried onion
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 cups hot milk
grated cheese


First peel and cut up the potatoes and put them with water in a pan.

Let them boil just a little bit.

While they are cooking, in a different saucepan, melt the butter and kind of mix the onions into it after it’s hot.

Mix the other dry ingredients together in a different bowl and then mix them into the butter mixture.

Heat two cups of milk in the microwave while potatoes are cooking.

Boil the potatoes a little, and make sure they’re tender, then drain them.

boiling the potatoes for creamy potato soup
Put them back in the pan and mash them just a little bit.

Add the warm milk:

Then add all the stuff from the other pan into the potatoes.

Grace making creamy potato soup

My teacher said that this is super good with bacon pieces mixed in.

But even without it is really good!

creamy potato soup ready to eat

Hope you enjoy it!

Grace serving up some creamy potato soup

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  1. Hey Grace, I rarely comment here (even though I could comment every day bc I relate to what your mom writes). I decided I HAD to comment on your post! I have all boys and I love seeing that there are some really cute, nice girls out there! Keep it up. BTW I often ask my 13 year old son to make "Grace's Flat Bread" – he has no idea who Grace is but now I'll have to teach him to make "Grace's Soup". He is also taking Foods this year. šŸ™‚

  2. Ok, first of all, Grace…you are adorable. Wish my teenager would make me some soup…but I don't think he's interested. Dang it!

    I'm gonna make this for lunch tomorrow! Looks delish! Thank you!

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