This morning Claire and I went on a “date.” It was a super exciting date since it started at 5:30 a.m. and involved a surgery at the hospital.Yep, Claire had her little procedure today (called “Deflux”) and we are crossing our fingers that this means the light at the end of the tunnel of all her issues has come into full focus.

Even though we were at the hospital, man alive it’s fun to be with that cute girl. We got some good reading in and she had all the nurses wrapped around her fingers.

I hate watching my kids leave me to go under anesthesia, but every time it makes me in awe of, and thankful for modern medicine. Claire was baffled as to why she had to sit in a wheelchair, but inside she was kinda bursting with excitement. She ate up all the attention. She can hardly wait to go to school and tell everyone about everything tomorrow. She was cracking me up when she got all worried over how her IV band-aid came off since she thinks no one will believe that she really had surgery. I assured her she’ll be just fine. (It was her request that I write about this on here today.)

The nurses told me to keep her laying low the rest of the day and have her just sip on clear liquids and feed her broth, etc.

Claire had a different idea. After fasting for the morning all that girl requested (very strongly) was three hot dogs. Yes, three. But she settled for one “jumbo dog” at 7-Eleven on the way home and was pleased as punch about it.She was riding her bike around the neighborhood by this afternoon.

Thanks for all the prayers in her behalf.

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  1. Shawni, I hope it worked. Your life will be much less complicated without having to worry about that. It is still working for Lindsey – I hope you have the same results!

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