I am grateful for motherhood. So grateful that sometimes it makes my heart swell up to the size of a watermelon. I’m thankful for it despite the fact that my motherhood career took a nose-dive yesterday. I had an experience with one of my “darling” children that smacked me in the face with the reality that this motherhood thing is no cakewalk. After I had a good cry with that particular child, I was so glad I could come home and read part of this book to perk me back up a little: That book is a good thing, I tell you. Each chapter is so inviting to me.Catherine is an amazing writer. And I love Sarah Turner’s chapter. And hey, look who else is in there…(My sisters I love are in there too, and my mom’s forward made me tear up a bit…more details about the book back here.) Today I get the chance to give one away. Right here. Right now. Just in time for the holidays. Plus, there are two other bloggers giving it away, one today and one tomorrow. So if you enter all three give-aways you have all kinds of chances to be inspired (or consoled in my case) in the trenches of motherhood. So enter a comment in the comment section below, then click here and here (tomorrow) to enter the other give-aways and triple your chances of winning (plus, they are pretty cool blogs to check out). Then go prep your turkey and put on your running shoes cause tomorrow is the big day: The second annual Turkey Trot! (hooray) Come join us if you can! (More details here.) Oh, and Thanksgiving too :) Can’t wait. I’ll announce the book winner on Friday morning.
Thanks so much for this great giveaway! That looks like such a great book!
I NEED this book!
I love your blog and would love a chance to read this book!!
I have been reading all through your posts since I found your blog a few months ago, and with my first baby just reaching 4 months, have found SO much wisdom. Thank you for that. I'd love to win this book, thanks for the opportunity!!
would love to win this give away
I would absolutely love this book!
I'm not a mother yet, but I would love a chance to read this book for when that day comes (soon, I hope!).
I love your blog and being inspired by you and your family, and I would love this book!!!
I think we have all had days where we need some motherhood consoling. I would love to win this book!
We've had a few moments like that ourselves lately. Luckily there are many more good moments than there are bad! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this give-away! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks so much for this awesome resource! Happy Thanksgiving!
I would love the book!!
Would love to win. Happy Thanksgiving!!
Love your blog! The book sounds fabulous!
I would LOVE a copy of this book — thanks!
I love reading your blog!
I'd love this book!!! Thanks!!
Always looking for ways to be more deliberate.
This would be a great book to read and I would be thrilled to win it!
Every mother needs a pick-up now and again, thanks for this chance!
I would love to get this book!
Thanks for being real and inspiring me to be better! This book sounds like a must read.
Would love to get a copy of this book!
We had "that" day here yesterday too. I would love some encouragement! Thanks for being out there with the reality. I struggle on my own (private) blog with that–it's not all sunshine and roses, but we do like to focus on the positive, but I don't want our kids to look back and think, What house was SHE living in?
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
thanks for the giveaway!
I have been wanting to read this book for awhile.. I would love to win.. Thanks for sharing your life with us!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for sharing your inspiring blog!
I just love your family and reading all about the the little things (and the big things) that you do every day to raise Godly children.
This book is on my must have list. I would love to win it!!!!!
I never win anything but I just keep trying. I could really use some mothering inspiration!
Please!! with a capital P!!!!
I need some motherhood consoling right now. I'd love to win this book!
What a great giveaway! Thanks
I would love this book. I have wanted to read it for some time and would love my own copy. Thanks for your blog…it is an inspiration!
what a great giveaway! Thanks Shawni!
Nine days ago we welcomed our third child into the world – just as life seemed to be getting easier with our 2 and 3 year old Irish twins. I have a feeling this book would provide some much needed wisdom in the coming months (and years)! Thanks for the opportunity!
fhesed 292Thanks for the giveaway! I LOVE being a "Mom" and I would LOVE a book to keep me focused when discouragement comes. I love your blog and I learn so much here. Thanks for ALL that you share!
I would LOVE to have this book!!
I want!
Today is my birthday and I would love that book:). Thanks for helping all of us moms try and be better:)!! Love your blog!!
I would love to read that book. Thanks for doing the giveaway. casidyanne at hot mail dot com
Thanks for the book giveaway! I LOVE being a "mom" and would love a book to help me refocus when I am discouraged. Thanks for all of your insightful, real posts of motherhood and family life. I LOVE what I learn here.
i would love to win this!!
Your blog is my motherhood pick-me-up. I would love to read the book also. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for this great book giveaway! I LOVE being a "mom" but sometimes I do get discouraged. I love all that I learn here, thanks for all that you share!
Thanks for this great book giveaway! I LOVE being a "mom" but sometimes I do get discouraged. I love all that I learn here, thanks for all that you share!
Thanks for this great book giveaway! I LOVE being a "mom" but sometimes I do get discouraged. I love all that I learn here, thanks for all that you share!
Thanks for this great book giveaway! I LOVE being a "mom" but sometimes I do get discouraged. I love all that I learn here, thanks for all that you share!
Thanks for this great book giveaway! I LOVE being a "mom" but sometimes I do get discouraged. I love all that I learn here, thanks for all that you share!
Thanks for this great book giveaway! I LOVE being a "mom" but sometimes I do get discouraged. I love all that I learn here, thanks for all that you share!
Thanks for this great book giveaway! I LOVE being a "mom" but sometimes I do get discouraged. I love all that I learn here, thanks for all that you share!
I would love to win this book!
I feel like I need all the help I can get with this motherhood thing.
I would love a chance! Thank you!
I would be thrilled to get this book.
Oh, how I need this book! Crossing my fingers!!!
I will become a mom in May when my little one arrives, and would love to win this book! I've heard so many good things about it. Thanks for the opportunity to enter! Happy Thanksgiving!
This book looks amazing! I would love to win it. Power of moms is my sanity each month
This book looks like an incredible resource for any mother trying to do her best! I'm a newlywed and don't have children yet but would love to read it to prepare for motherhood and have it as a resource when I start having children! Thank you!
Each time you mention the book on your blog I think "I really need to get this." So of course I would love to WIN it! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
I am learning a lot more that good parenting doesn't simply just happen. Deliberate. I like that word in regard to parenting. I need to get me a copy!
I would love this book!
I want this book SOOO badly! 2540
I would love this book! Thanks for all of you inspiring posts 🙂
Oh my how I would LOVE this book! 🙂
My four young children and I would like this book 🙂
Thanks, Stephanie A.
I am sure my four little ones would appreciate me reading that book!
I would love to win the book!
I would love an inspirational book!! Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Would so love to win this book!
I love reading your blog. We just started the job chart in our family (kiddos are 5, 3, and 9 months). I get so much inspiration from your blog. Thank you!
This book sounds wonderful. Anything to add to my parenting arsenal 🙂
I love your blog and would love to win this book!! 🙂
I totally know what you mean by both the swellings of joy and the smacks in the face. And I would love to read this book! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
I know just what you mean by the joy and the reality of it all. And I would love to read this book! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
I know just what you mean by the joy and the reality of it all. And I would love to read this book! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
I know just what you mean by the joy and the reality of it all. And I would love to read this book! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
I'm in a motherhood rut. I need this book. Where can i buy it if i don't win?
I would LOVE this book!
I too love motherhood!!!
I would love to win!
I'd love to win this book. It looks great!
Oh, I want to win SO bad! It looks like a great book!
I am not a mother but I love your blog. I have helped raise a child. She is now a little over 6 1/2.
I could definitely use some good advice! This book sounds great!
PIck me!! I would LOVE this book!
Purposeful parenting… one of my all time favorite endeavors.
I would love this book! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to win this book!
I've been mothering for 25 years and it's like riding a roller coaster full of ups and downs. My youngest is 11 and I still need lots of inspiration for the ones at home and the ones on their own. Pick me. 🙂
I'd love this book. I'm so struggling with my motherhood lately 🙂
Yeah! Who doesn't need this book really?!
Thank you! I think we could all use a copy of that book. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for the chance to win. I am always looking for more inspiration in my life.
Debbie – mother of 4 boys!!
I've had some moments of tears in the laundry room lately…just tough stuff getting me down. Our kids are almost the exact ages as yours and I think the spread is really tough at this point–15 to 6 brings with it a huge range of "stuff." My husband and I sometimes fall into bed exhausted with the emotional drain of trying so hard to meet everyone's needs and be the best parents we can be. The book sounds good–I'll put it on my Christmas list.
Pick me please!
Things can change so fast with kids. One day you're getting along just fine and the next WHAM! You're crying trying to find out what just happened!
I am not a mother yet. But I am a daughter and I can relate!
Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!
Winning this would make my day. My week actually, and maybe even my month!
I love your blog; it gives me so much hope. I would love a chance to read this book too. Thanks for the great contest 🙂
I would love this book. I am always looking for ways to be a better mom for my kids!
This is such a neat giveaway! What an inspirational book! Thanks so much!
I would LOVE to win that book!!! 🙂
I would love to win this book. Some days as a mother are better then others, having something to help on those off days would be so wonderful.
I would live to read this book. Thanks for your example of motherhood.
Would love to read this! Thank you for the chance to win.
Thanks so much for keeping this blog. Your love for motherhood inspires me to try harder and be a better mum.
I'd love to win a copy of this book and be uplifted by all those mums out there!!!!
Happy Turkey Day to you and you loved-ones.
I am a book-worm afterall and would be happy about this deliberate motherhood give-away!
Thanks for the giveaway, I love your blog. This book sounds amazing!
Cheers to Moms everywhere! Pop my name in that drawing– 4 wonderful boys and 1 little lady in our home– this Mom needs all the inspiration she can get. =)
Exactly what I need right now!
This looks like a great book! Thanks!
this book is on my christmas list! would love to win it!
I can't wait to read this book!
Would totally LOVE this book!
I am a new mother (9 months) and have this book on my wish list. Hopefully I will win this. 🙂 Thanks!!
Hi Shawni,
I've been meaning to write a comment for so long now and with the added incentive of your sisters book, which I would love to read, today seemed like a good day! I am a home-educating Mammy of 6 in Ireland and your parents books have been our main point of reference since we came across 'Teaching Your Children Values' 10 years ago now, and many a time I've said to myself 'if they can raise 9 principled, contributing children surely we should be able to muddle through with only 6!'
I love your blog, feeling in someway a connection as we strive to achieve the ideals and values set by your parents and you. Inspired by this I have started my own blog, http://www.homegrownireland.blogspot.com ( in which I have referenced your parents!)hoping in the process to be more mindful myself as well as share with others the ups and downs of our own journey.
The thing I love most about your blog and the portrayal of your family life is 'togetherness'. Even when you're obviously having a 'not going to plan' day the feeling of togetherness and genuine love and respect between you all is palpable and something I hope to emulate in our own home.
One book I would like to recommend to you is 'Hold On To Your Kids, why parents need to matter more than peers' by Neufeld and Mate, as I think it is a book every parent should read.
By the way I also think you would make a great home educator because like me you feel your children are the best thing in the world and love spending time with them!
My friend is in thos book…would love a copy.
Ohhh, my kids could really benefit from this 🙂
I need this book! Looks so helpful to s struggling mom like myself.
Pick Me! Pick me! I would love to get this.
Ahhh!!! I follow Power of Moms! Plus I have six kids within five years and I would just love this book.
Every now and then you just need a reminder to pull it together.
I would love to win this book, I need all the the help I can get. My mother gave me your book, A Mother's Book of Secrets, for Mother's day a couple years ago and I keep re-reading it over and over, it is fabulous so thank you!
ohh.. hope I win.
Loving your blog – glad I found it as we start out family – a one year old and another one on the way soon! I'm gunna need all the help I can get =) Thank you for your example and inspiration. Happy Thanksgiving!
I found your blog a little while ago and I am so grateful for the time and effort you put into it. I have found the openess, honesty and resources so useful. You seem to keep it real and I think it helps the rest of us realize this is all normal and hectic, but amazing and wonderful at the same time. Thank you!
Oh my, this looks like what I've been needing lately!
I'd LOVE to read this book! Thank you!
Yes Please 🙂 I would love this!
Yes please! 🙂 I would love this!
Yes please! 🙂 I would love this.
I'm glad to know that I am not the only one who had one of those days yesterday! I'm hoping today will be a better day and have begged God to give me the wisdom to do the right thing for my "darling"! Maybe this is it!
I would love to win this book. I love your thoughtful posts. You inspire me to do and be better.
This is so exciting. I love being a mother, but I would be lying if I said that I didn't have some of THOSE days too. Thank you for the chance!
I would love to win this book. I thoroughly enjoy your thoughtful posts. You inspire me to do and be better.
Love your blog! The book looks fantastic. Hope you have a great Turkey Trot and Thanksgiving!
I would LOVE this book! I also need to say thanks for getting me into your parent's books. I hadn't heard of them before and they have inspired so much change in our house.
They say being a mother doesn't come with an instruction manual, but this book seems like it could be one! Thanks for all the inspiration you give through your blog. Happy Thanksgiving!
I need all the parenting help I can get!! I love power of moms and would love this book 🙂
What a great offer for Thanksgiving week. I am thankful for all of the moms that put this together! Thanks Shawni.
I'd love to win your book! Thanks for writing such a great, inspiring blog!
I would love to win this book.
I would love to win this book – in fact I feel like I NEED this book. My two year old twins are no joke right now…
Parenting has been one of the hardest things in my life BUT also one of the MOST rewarding. Now my daughter is the mother of two beautiful girls and works so hard at being the best mother she can be. I would LOVE to give this book to her for Christmas. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.
I love reading your blog. Even though most of your readers are women, I get inspired by your parenting ideas as a dad too! This book would be perfect for my wife. Thanks for all the effort you put into this blog and sharing your life.
I just had my second baby and I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment. I would love to find some inspiration and good ideas from this book!
Looks like a great book. Definitely one every mother could use!
Thank you so much for this giveaway! I have this book on my Amazon Wish List so if I don't win it I'm planning on buying!! Can't wait to read this wisdom from all the moms!
Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving! Hope the holiday is wonderful for you and your family.
What a fantastic give-away! I have read many of the books you have recommended and have found so much inspiration and wisdom through them. I would be thrilled to add this book to my collection. Thanks for the opportunity and Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I would love to have this book! I need all the mommy help I can get! Thanks for the possibility!
I've been wanting to read this book! Thanks for the chance to win it.
I love reading your posts and would love this book! Thanks for being so generous!
Looks like a great read!!
Some of my favorite bloggers, it looks like an amazing book!
I would LOVE this! totally not a mom, but you cant ever be too prepared with good ideas and more knowledge, right?
Happy Thanksgiving!!
This looks like an incredible book! I hope that things get better at your home.
We had a bad parenting day yesterday too. Sigh. It's all worth it, right?
I'm sorry for the real life Mom moment you had. Some days they feel bigger than others.
I found your blog through a YM activity, but stayed because of the light you radiate.
I would love this book.
I wow, I would love to get my hands on this book! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'd love this! Thanks for the giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving!
What a neat book! I would love the chance to read it
I would love to read that book!
Hi Shawni! Thank you so much for your blog, it is wonderful! We have a new 5-month old and motherhood is far more amazing than I could have imagined! We have your parents' book Teaching your children values and actually gifted it (and 3 steps to a strong family) to our new parent friends 🙂 Would love to read this book as well! Good luck at the Turkey Trot, we will be joining you virtually from Colorado!
I so need this!!
I would love this book! I could use all the encouragement and motivation I can get right now. Being a mom is pretty hard work. I am getting a good dose of reality lately. 🙂 Could definitely use something to motivate me through the not so easy times.
This book could do some good for me!
Ooh, yes please! My fifteen month old is just beginning to test his boundaries, and the prospect of actually parenting is frightening me a little bit. I SO want to get into good habits while he's still young enough not to notice my screw-ups!
Would love to read this book and have it's guidance in my motherhood 'aresnal'. Enjoy reading your blog!
I'd love to have this book's guidance as part of my motherhood 'aresnal'! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Thanks for the give away!
I could use this book!
Pick me, pick me!
Being a mom is tough, I would love some insight!!! Pick me!
I would love a mother "pick-me-up" Thanks!
I would love to have this book at my fnigertips! I have a two year old and a newborn and some days are HARD! I need all the advice I can get! Thank you for this giveaway and for your wonderful and inspiring blog!
This book is one my wish list! I can't wait to read it! I would love this book!
I'm grateful for the wisdom of mothers around me.
Looks like a great resource. Thanks for previewing it and for the chance to win!
This book looks amazing and inspiring!
I definitely need this book right now on my life! Thanks for your always encouraging words!
Would be wonderful to be able to read that book! 🙂
I would love to read this book!
I would love a copy of your book!
I would love a copy too. Thanks.
I need to read this book!! I am a mother of 1, we are just starting our family and I need all the help I can get, especially with the way the "world" is heading!! We need to do this right!!
Email: auntie_ell02@yahoo.com
Your Blog is so inspiring and uplifting! Such a wonderful family!! I would Love this book…our family has implemented several ideas from your blog! Thanks for being so wonderful!!
This book is on my wishlist. 🙂
I would love a copy of this book!!
I really NEED this book please. By the way you are an awesome mother!
Thank you for this give away. I`m in the trenches, too. Would love to read this book.
I would love this book! Motherhood is so much more difficult, but also more rewarding than I ever imagined. It's been fun reading your parents' tips in the Deseret News.
Some day I hope to be writing in and giving away an equally amazing and inspiring book, with a great collaboration of women just like you are a part of!
Simply said, you are inspiring. And when I'm knee deep in mothering woes, this book would be very helpful!
I've been silently reading your blog for about 4 months now. I look forward to your posts everyday and am excited to implement some of your ideas into parenting my children (2 years old and 4 months). Today I am home with my 4 month old that has the stomach bug for the first time 🙁 it is so sad and I'm terrified that we will all catch it right in time for the holiday. This book would make my day! Regardless though, thanks for your dedication to motherhood and sharing your story through this blog!
Would love to win! love your blog! Happy Thanksgiving!
Looks like a wonderful book–I would love to read it!
Sandy Toe
Love your blog! This book sounds amazing!
Love your blog and I would love to win that book! Thanks!!
I just had {another} of my own bad parenting moments. I am in need of some positive motherhood thoughts. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
We would love to win your book. I could really use it with my four munchkins!
What a wonderful Christmas present this would be! Thank you for the opportunity to get the book!
I could use all the help I can get! 🙂
I could use all the help I can get! 🙂
I could use all the help I can get! 🙂
I would love to have this book! Happy Thanksgiving!
I can use all the help I can get!
Oh this would be truly wonderful! I'm in the middle of learning that the attitudes I expected from a "teenage" son, hit much, much earlier. Why didn't anyone tell me?! LOL! 🙂
Thanks–the book looks great!
As one of the few male readers, I've appreciated seeing my wife, hunkered down in our small basement, reading your blog and feeling inspired. She's already a beautiful mother but your posts and inspiring words bring her great peace and a calm reassurance of what joy can come from the challenge of motherhood. She would love the book!
Love your blog! Would love the book!
This book looks fantastic!
I have four kids and desperately need a book like this to remember why I do what I do!
This book is on my list to order! Would be awesome to give it to myself for Christmas!!
I'd love to have this book! I also want your other book! Is it out of print?
Love your blog! You inspire me daily!
This book looks incredible and inspirational! I would love it. Happy Thanksgiving!
I love to read your blog, and would love to win 🙂
Wow, do I ever want this book! Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
Looks like a great book!
I would love to read this book!
I love your blog and have read so many inspiring thoughts and ideas. Thanks so much for sharing what you have learned! I would love this book!
Chances are slim, but I'd love to win!
I could seriously use this book right now, as my three year old has been giving me a run for my money lately! 😉 Thank you for this giveaway, and for all of the inspiring motherhood stories and tips on your blog!
supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
Such a great giveaway! Thank you!
I would be delighted to win this book…it looks great!
I love both your blog and Sarah's blog, would definitely love to win this book!
So sorry you had one of those really bad moments. They suck.
Would love to give this to a daughter!! I hope that I win. She even went through Joy School oh those many years ago!
WOW!! So many comments already! I rarely comment on things like this, but thought I'd take a chance. I love reading your blog and always feel so inspired afterwards. Your name is regularly dropped at our park days and play groups. You're inspiring more moms than you know. 🙂 Recent posts of yours motivated me to buy "The Entitlement Trap" and "I Didn't plan to be a witch". And I've been wanting this book as well. Motherhood is an amazing thing! Thanks for all the advice and ideas that have helped me in my pursuit of being a better mom! Happy Thanksgiving!!
I would love this book! Thanks for all your wonderful blog posts. I have learned so much from you.
Holy lot of comments! I sure would love that book:) Your blog rocks! Thanks for inspiring me!
Can I try to win the book even if I live in France?
Even if it's not possible let me tell you MERCI (thank you!) because reading 71Toes is my little pleasure every day around 8pm when my daughter (almost 4) is in bed.
So thank you for sharing, inspiring, being…
best regard from Paris!
(sorry for my english mistakes)
Thank you for the chance to win this. Motherhood is HARD!
I look forward to your blog every day! You are such an inspiration to me. I'm a fairly new mother with just one little toddler, but I know this book would be a lifesaver for me! Thank you for all you do!
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win this book!!!
Would love this book. Just what I need as I head into the busy time of year.
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you and family are well. Still haven't started my blog. 🙂 Love checking-in on your family. Have a great weekend…
Oh, the book looks fabulous. I would love to read it!
I would love to win this book!
I would loooove a copy of this book. It looks like it would be great on those crazy days, like today. 🙂
What a fun idea! I hope you pick my number! I would love that book! Who wouldn't? Happy Thanksgiving!
Add me to your list! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for the book giveaway! I would love a chance to win.
Looks like a great book!
Thanks for all your give-aways! And I loved your CS Lewis quote yesterday. What an amazing author!
oh my I need this book!
Oh I would LOVE to win this! Thanks for the opportunity!
Although I'm not a mom yet, I would love this book for myself and to share with family!
I love your blog and would really enjoy a good book about being a mother.
I love your blog and I would L-O-V-E to read this book. Thanks!!
I've had my eye on this book since you first mentioned it… I'll be getting it one way or another!
The book looks amazing and I would love to read it!
I need this book! LOVE your blog!
Looks like a great book. I would love a chance to read all the tips and advice.
How lucky are we?! Hope I win! Thank you for the giveaway! Happy Thanksgiving!
I've had some tearful mothering moments lately. I would love a copy! 🙂
I love reading a good book about motherhood
I would love this book!
This is awesome. Thanks for sharing your knowledge on this blog. It's truly inspiring.
This book is just what we need after having our 3rd baby boy a month ago. Thanks for the great give-a-way!
This book sounds great! I would love to read it!
Love your blog and would love to read the book.
I would love to win! I could use a little uplift after cleaning up a big poopy diaper mess this morning that leaked onto his clothes, the chair, the carpet.
I'm challenged by motherhood every day. I need some wisdom injected in o my mothering, I would so love to read this book!
Every mother needs this book, I sure do! Cross my fingers!
Love it!
Would love to read this. Thanks for the giveaway!
jessicaikiehn at gmail dot com
i would love this book (especially for free)!
This would be a great resource! I would LOVE the book.
I would love to read that book. I have a lot of "nose-dive" days, it seems.
I would love this! Thanks so much!
I would LOVE one! More important I NEED this book!! LOL
About to give birth to my second daughter. I need all the help I can get!!
Oh man, would I ever LOVE this book! I am a new mother of 3 (2 girls & our newest 6 week old addition-a BOY)! & all of you bloggers are like my virtual mentor moms-who I am so grateful for. Good luck to me 😉
I've never commented before, but I honestly read your blog every morning. It just gets me in the right perspective. Thank you so much for your inspiration, your thoughts, and your honesty. I have learned so much from you and shared so much to other from things I've read here. Would love to win that book. I can only imagine how incredible it is. Go Power of Moms!!!
I could really use some inspiration right about now 🙂
I love your blog so much, you are the reason I have started my own blog. I would love this book, than you so much for giving us mothers a chance for this give away.
I would love this book. I have been eyeing it for a while now.
I would love to get a copy! Thanks!
i am trying so hard to be a deliberate mom and need all the help i can get! pick me!!! 🙂
Looks awesome! I'd love to win this!
My kids are raised, cut I would love to give this to my daugher. She is a wonderful mom and always tries to be the best she can be. She would LOVE this book. Oh, and thanks for being so generous and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!!
Love it!
I'd love to read it too. I've enjoyed several contributors' blogs and any insights into mothering would be wonderful. Thanks!
This has been on my wish list since it came out! I hope I get it!!
Would love to win this! I am a young mom, (24 with a 2 year old) and I feel like this is something I need to read.
Hey, may get it anyway!
Happy Holidays.
This book would be perfect to read right about now. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with motherhood!
I would love to win this book. We adopted twins a couple of years ago, we are foster parents, and we have one bio kid. If I was more deliberate, I know that I would be more adept at providing each child an environment suited to their needs.
I would Love To win!
I would love to read this!
I would love to win. Love reading your blog!
I would love this book! Thanks for the opportunity!!
I'd LOVE to win! Looks like a great book I could SO use!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
OHHH, I would LOVE this book!! I discovered your blog a few weeks back (you may have noticed some random traffic all the way from little Tasmania, Australia!!). Your blog inspires me and your mothering ideas are just wonderful. This book would be such a great resource for our little family. Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway.
yes please.
Hi Shawni, thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win this book.
I would love to win this!
I hope I win. I NEED this book. I also really want it.
I would love to read this book! Thanks!! ps- i love your blog!
Oh so exciting!! I can't wait to get some of your materials. So hopefully this one can be a start!
Thanks! Your are amazing!
What a cool book! I would love to have a copy.
I would love this book!
Gosh I'd love to read this book!! Yes indeedy!
This sounds like a wonderful book. I greatly admire the Power of Moms. Thank you for this opportunity! Happy Thanksgiving!
I could really use a little inspiration after the day I had today! Please pick me!!
That looks amazing. 🙂
Would love to have this book!! Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Thanksgiving!
Oooh this would be a great read! Always looking for ways to better my mothering. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!!
I would love to read this book!!
I would be thankful to win this book!
I will be thankful if I win the book!
Thanks for doing this giveaway! Hope I win:)
I would love to have this book. I am a 20 something mother of five young children (7,6,4,2 1/2, and a 10 month old) and could use this wonderful book. Thank you Shawni for your wonderful insights and ideas on mothering. I really appreciate all the time that you put into your blog. I know that it has blessed my life and many others.
I am so excited to get my hands on this book…pick me:).
I'd love a little motherhood boost and this book looks fantastic!
Oh, I'd love to win, could sure use it:)
I'm so very grateful for you, your family and your inspiring blog. Your words have given me much comfort and peace when I needed it. Thank you again for putting yourself out there for all of us to see and learn from! 🙂
i could probably use this book to console me after my doozy days too.
It looks like such a fabulous book and one I think I need and would love to read! Great blog!
Please, please, please
I would love to win a copy – Catherine Arveseth grew up in my ward and I read all of you and your sisters blogs! Happy Thanksgiving!
Please please please let me win!
I love your blog. I bet this book is wonderful. I need it.
I would love to win. Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway.
I would love to have this book!!
LOOOOOVE your blog and would love a copy of the book. Looks very inspiring.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this book! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
oh, I'd love a shot to win this!
Thanks for the opportunity!
amousser at gmail dot com
Where would I be without your blog!? Thank you.
I would love of copy. I too could reference to this book during my motherhood journey.
Thank you for the opportunity! Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you for writing such a wonderful blog!
Would love this book. Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh I do love reading your blog and this book looks like a treasure.
I would love to read through this book!
I would sure love to win. Maybe if I put this book on my Christmas list it will alter my chances and I'll tilt win the book 😉 thanks!
This book sounds like a great one!
I would love to read that book!!
Oh I need the advice and wisdom in this book right now! Pick me! 🙂
I love the power of moms and would love this book!
Oh man, do I need this book right now. I have been feeling very defeated as a mom lately!
I would love this!
Love your blog- love your ideas- love your willingness to share your life with us 🙂 if I win your book it will travel amongst many friends and family- and may even earn a spot in book club next year. Happy thanksgiving!
Oooh! Pick me please! 🙂 That book looks amazing, and I think it would be super helpful!
I'm very curious to learn how american mothers are dealing with children!This book seems great!Merci 🙂
I would love to win this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would LOVE this book!
Wow, that book would be awesome. But will you send to Australia?
Hi Shawni! Happy Thanksgiving! I just discovered your blog recently and am slowly ploughing through all your old entries – i have never read a more inspiring blog! I would LOVE to win a copy of this book – with triplet boys I think it would be a perfect read before 2013! Rina x
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now, it's so inspiring in many ways, as I am mum of two at the beginning of the road (4 and 10 months). Greetings from SLovakia.
Your day sounded very much like ours! I'm celebrating Thanksgiving in the mountains of NC with my sister, Nicki and family. She has 5 beautiful girls and I have one and a wonderful son. We are all so blessed – but with girls from 4 to 18 we had our share of moments yesterday! Then we gathered round for our version of Family Fear Factor and the laughter helped close a perfect day. This morning I woke to an amazing sunrise and I know that God has gifted us with incredible treasures – drama and all! Happy Thanksgiving! !
I would love to win. Thankyou for your blog, so very inspiring x
Oh I could so use this book right now… been having a difficult time with my 10 year old daughter lately.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks so much for the giveaway! I love reading your blog!
This sounds like an amazing book! I have been inspired by some of the women that have written chapters in this book before, including you!
Would love to read this book. I think every mother needs a reminder of the trials and ups and downs of motherhood. My name is Jennie jpetersen31@cox.net
Thanks for a great giveaway! Happy Thanksgiving!
I would love to win! Wish I could come to the turkey trot, but weave in the NW valley & have a house to clean lol
I have a feeling this book would increase my Thanksgiving spirit!
Would love to have some of your wisdom along with other deliberate mothers. You're amazing, Shawni!!
Oh how I would love to read this book!
Shawni — I would love to benefit from this book!! We mothers need all the help we can get!! Thanks so much.
how timely. i have been giving this motherhood job some serious reflection lately. this book could really help me step up my game.
This looks like an incredible book!
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your turkey trot this morning was fun. This is an awesome giveaway! Thanks so much.
11 yr old twin girls. They're wonderful, challenging, inspiring, hard some days, beautiful, and I would love some insightful guidance on how to guide them on a path to young womenhood and adulthood.
This books sounds great; I could sure use some guidance through these trenches of motherhood 🙂
I love reading your post and the Power of Mom's Website. It encourages me to keep working at being a better mom. I would love this book.
I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago, Shawni. Your posts inspire me all the time to be better. Thank you! And you are as beautiful, humble and down-to-earth as I remember you in high school 🙂 – Amy Henriksen Foulger
I'd love to win this!
It sounds fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would LOVE this book! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Thanks! I'd love to win!!!! You're wonderful!
I would absolutely love to win this book! I have been eying it forever! Plus tomorrow is my birthday…so this would be a fantastic birthday gift for me 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thank you for your positive outlook on motherhood. This books sounds like just what I need when things get tough. Being a mom is hard work but it's soo worth it.
Love your blog, and your openness to share your real mom moments!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I would love to read this book!! I just finished your mom's, Joyful Mother! Loved it!! Really helps us keep things in perspective;)
Just a drop in the ocean of comments, but I would definitely use this book! I love anything that can help me out in this journey of motherhood.
Would love this book. It's already on my wish list on Amazon!!!
Would so love to win this book. I just started listening to the power of mom podcasts and have been so inspired to make changes and to get better at this whole mothering thing.
Love your blog. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving
I would use this book up. Boy do I need help.
I'd love to win one!
I'm kinda in a mom-funk and would love to have this book!
I love your blog and would love this book!
I would love this book!
Thank you for your blog. I could sure use this book!
i would love to win!!Happy Thanksgiving!
Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win.
I need this book! 15lcall@gmail.com
This book looks awesome! I would love to win!
I would love to win this book!
I love reading all youe ups and downs. I have been intrigued with this book ever since you mentioned it before.
I'd love the book, too!
Hoping I am lucky enough to get picked!
I would love this book. Parenting is such a challenge!
I can use a pick me up – motherhood is hard!
I will be crossing my fingers, my arms, legs and toes in hopes of winning this book. Thanks so much!
Would love to win this book! Anything to help with motherhood would be great to have on hand especially with three young one!
jennybunderson at yahoo dot com