Iā€™m a fish out of water.

On a plane without a single child needing crayons or a snack or whining about who knows what.

Nope. Just me.

Going through security was a breeze.

No strollers to cajole Lu out of and try to fold up while she’s bawling.

No crocs to pry out of her vice-gripping hands to feed to the x-ray machine as she begins to morph her body into a full-blown tantrum.

No giant tears or wailing to try to squelch while reassuring over and over that both the stroller and the crocs will be waiting for her on the other side.

No blushing at the looks of fellow passengersā€¦some in sympathy, some in disgust.

Just me.

And I think Iā€™d really like it…

Except that itā€™s Easter.

And what I really want to be doing right now is snuggling those kids up next to me. I want to be clearing away the debris of Easter dinner with the cousins and getting ready for our second Easter egg hunt of the day.

You see, thatā€™s where I planned on being tonight.

Thatā€™s why I invited all the cousins over.

I was going to be thereā€¦the hostess.

Until this morning when I remembered I had a flight to Utah tonight at 5:50…before any of the guests for our big Easter dinner would even arrive.

I think that safely confirms it: Iā€™m losing my mind.

But we scrambled and crammed in all our Easter stuff, got the tables set and dinner ready to go, delegated the hostessing responsibilities (thanks babe & Marva) and rushed off to the airport just in the nick of time.

Iā€™m here in Utah with my Mom for PR stuff for our book.

Tomorrow morning we’ll be on Good Things Utah (a local news show) at 10:00. I’m not sure which segment weā€™ll be on, but weā€™ll be thereā€¦me with my red splotchy face, and my mom with her infinite wisdom.

So tune in if youā€™re local!Hope the ongoing celebration was great back at home…more on that later. Excuse the blur, but at least you get the expressions…couldn’t not post it. Do you think these guys were excited?

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  1. Shawni – I was just at Deseret Book and was so excited to get my hands on your book! The book is great and your kids are adorable. Congrats on the book – and hang in there with all the testing with Lucy. She is a lucky cookie to have such a great family. Happy Easter and congrats on the book again – it is great and the photos are amazing!

  2. Why didn’t I check in yesterday?

    My Mom called this morning in the middle of my visiting teachers’ visit to tell me you were on TV (I’d told her about the book on Easter).

    I didn’t feel it was very appropriate to leave my guests to run upstairs and record it………but I heard you were great. Congrats!

    p.s. I am kind of laughing (in a friendly way of course) that you forgot you had to catch a flight for a TV appearance………seriously šŸ™‚

  3. Awwwee man! I wish I had time to read your blog so I could have DVR’d your show – I hope it shows up on Youtube! Love, Love your pictures of your kids – I still can not achieve the same lighting as you!

  4. I am so glad I saw your header this morning to know to turn on the TV. You did GREAT!!!! You are so humble Shawni, and your Mom is so sweet…..I have told everyone about that book! Wish I lived closer to get my book signed!
    Glad to know I am not the only one loosing my mind!
    Hey I remembered from last year that you paint your eggs and we joined your tradition this year…LOVED it!!!

  5. I cant wait to see you on Good Things Utah! Infact, last week I was watching it and they had a picture of little Lu on there! The one where she is crying, I love it! The segment had nothing to do with your new book or your parents so I was sadly let down, but now I am excited again! I will for sure watch you!

  6. I cant wait to see you on Good Things Utah! Infact, last week I was watching it and they had a picture of little Lu on there! The one where she is crying, I love it! The segment had nothing to do with your new book or your parents so I was sadly let down, but now I am excited again! I will for sure watch you!

  7. I know Marcie, seriously. You can laugh all you want ’cause now I’m laughing too….not so much yesterday…

    I’m telling you, I need to start doing Sudoku to improve my memory! I’ve heard it works wonders!

  8. Shawni,
    I missed your appearance with your mom on Good Things Utah today…but I have Comcast/OnDemand and Good Things Utah (GTU) has a section under Utah that has the past five shows from GTU that is available on demand anytime all day or night. I will watch it tonight. I have commented one other time…I raised my young family reading all of your parents books and using their theories. I especially loved your Mom’s book “A Loving Mother of Children”. Anyone who can get their hands on that one will have a good read. Especially inspiring for young moms.
    I love the way your parents taught and raised you kids. I followed your family with great interest and was delighted to find you, Sadi, Saren on the blogs. You are on my sidebar as “Blogs That I Follow” and I read your blog daily. I have laughed at the merriment with your family and cried with the posted on cutie-patootie Lucy. I have a granddaughter named Lucy.
    I also love your photography. You are an amazing mother to all your children and I feel your strong and immovable faith as you and your hubby raise your family.

    Please tell me that you and your mom are signed up to teach at BYU’s Education Week in August. You would be a natural and bless the life of so many women. If you are, I hope they have you in the Marriott Center so we all can attend. Good to talk to you. Take care. Janet Ballard

  9. I watched it online! It was so cool to see you and your Mom talking about your book. I can’t wait to get it! You both are so inspiring. Thank you!

  10. Shawni–I live in Salt Lake and love your blog. I just barely read your latest entry and missed GTU this morning, but I found it online and watched the segment. You looked beautiful! Keep up the good work. I can’t wait to read your book.
    Sarah šŸ™‚

  11. Hi – I live in Bear Lake, UT My name is Amber and I bought your book back in march. That day I bought several books on motherhood, but this one just brought a connection due to the Bear lake connection. Since then my attitude and perspetive has changed for the better. Your blog enlightens me and your family is amazing. I am so sad I missed Good Things Utah, But I will go to there webpage for sure. I just wanted to say thank you for making me smile and helping me realize how to enjoy being a mother. I know you are a busy mom, but if interested you could email me. My blog is private and i would love to send you an invite. amber@bearlakeview.com
    Thank you for your “motherhood secrets”

  12. I know you don’t know me but someone got me hooked on your blog a few months ago. You were great on Good Things Utah! I can’t wait to go see the book in person!

  13. Hey stranger,
    I love catching up through blogs! Are they not the best! I can’t wait to get my hands on one of your books. You guys seem like your holding on like the rest of us! It seems like just yesterday we had just a couple of little ones running around our little rented homes.

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