I only got Grace’s hand, not her cute face because she won’t let me most of the time, but I loved this egg she did:
This one was cracked so Claire got creative with it:
We whipped up our traditional “conference cinnamon rolls” (recipe HERE) alongside all the egg commotion…
Let’s take a closer look at some of those puppies…because I like them 🙂
Lucy’s special creations:
These are all totally inspired and copied from Grace’s Pinterest finds.
Yeah, we like that activity.
It was SO good…and I’m excited to listen again soon. The solemn assembly was beautiful and I love President Nelson!
That night the girls and I went to do a little spring shopping…we don’t do that much and since they pay for their own clothes I thought I’d buy them each a swimsuit for Easter since they’re in desperate need. We had to laugh when we randomly met up with cousins at the very same place we happened to be:
(Grace was trying on something or other at that moment, dang it!)
Meanwhile Max was actually at the conference center with these guys for the priesthood session:
And Dave was cheering from his office watching online, excited about some of the changes happening in the church.
We got home from our little shopping trip and I put Claire in charge of getting the “conference bingo” cards printed out so we could be ready the next day.
She took it up a notch and did all this:
Including this:
Dave was the best string-man this year (helping the Easter bunny) while I prepared the rest of the food for the cousin gathering the next day.
And then we sunk into bed, exhausted but ready for the big day.
Next year I think we’ll do the Saturday Easter bunny stuff, and keep Sunday for the Holy Week stuff. We’ve never done that before but I think it’s time.
Ah! That picture of you all at the mall is my store! I’ve met Brimley and her mom before – maybe one day I’ll run into you and your crew!
That would be fun to run into you some day!
Do you use regular paint to paint the eggs? Do you still eat them or no? Beautiful!
we just use those little craft paints you get at a craft store.
Beautiful eggs.
Random – but can you share where you got the wheeled laundry basket Claire and Bo are riding in? Seems like it could be a game changer for me and my battle with containing laundry in process 🙂
Dang I wish I could remember where I got that! I found it somewhere online when we were building our house. I think I just googled "chrome laundry basket with wheels." Hope that helps at least a little!