I love my Mom.
Oh wait, I already said that.
But I really, really do.
She is probably the most giving, thoughtful, selfless, humble, nurturing, beautiful-inside-and-out person I know.
And she’s one of my best friends in all the world.
My kids think she’s pretty spectacular as well.
When I had toddlers clinging to my legs who were drawing on couches and spitting up all over creation (serious reflux) she always used to tell me to try to envision myself as the “eye of the storm.” You know that quiet part in the middle of the hurricane?
I’ve envisioned that over and over and over again through my motherhood career and it’s helped me more than I can express.
Well, she definitely lived up to her wisdom as she transfixed herself into the “eye” of our storm around here when she stayed for a couple days following Time Out for Women.
In that short amount of time she put up with me running my thumbs ragged texting to get ready for Young Women stuff, cooked, cleaned, folded laundry, made beds, read with kids:
Helped get the kids out the door for school in the morning:
Helped celebrate the long-awaited loss of two of Claire’s teeth in the same morning:
(they had both been hanging on by threads for literally weeks and she was too nervous to let me have my fill of one of my favorite past-times: pulling out teeth)
We snuck the elementary-school-girls out for lunch and visited my brother at his school:That’s a new temple in the background going in fast.
She played at the park with Lucy while we had a volleyball competition in the middle of the street:(Shows how busy our neighborhood is…and how my children do not think it is necessary to adorn their feet with shoes.)
She watched all Lucy’s tricks, played memory and listened to her “read” a hundred stories.
She sat on the piano bench with the kids and helped them hammer out their lessons.
She sat with me and listened to piano lessons:
She put up with me taking pictures of everything:
And for Family Home Evening she helped us make our traditional “Thankful Tree:”
Let’s go ahead and get a better look at that:
There we go.
The idea is to add a few leaves each morning at breakfast, and we will, but man alive that thing is already drooping from all the bounteous blessings it is adorned with.
I know they don’t look sad in this “saying-goodbye-til-next-time” picture but man alive, we’re still going through withdrawals a week later.
I am lucky beyond lucky to get to call that wonderful lady “mom.”
A true “eye of the storm” in every situation she comes across. She knows how to “be still” amidst chaos, and oh how I love to learn from her wisdom.
Love you mom.
she really is amazing! I was sooo amazed that i got a letter back from her when i wrote recently. It made me day LOL. I really really think she should re-release ' I didn't plan to be a witch'. I have read so many of her books, and for some reason this one must have missed me. You had mentioned it on here and i got on line and ordered it.. BEST BOOK EVER! Seriously, i laughed, cried, and soaked it in. I really think she needs to do a 're-release, so every mom out there has a copy on their shelves!!
That is EXACTLY what I want to learn how to be in this life… the calm in the storm… to be still. 🙂
Is that purple in your little girls room? Can you tell me what color and brand? We're painting this weeend and the top choice is purple. Thans!
Super cute. She reminds me of my mom. So sweet. And I think I saw her in Costco the other day (getting tires or something). Or maybe it was her look-a-like.
this post made me get teary eyed.
i love my mom… but, she isn't like yours.
i have no father (or too many, if you count jerks who were married to my mom).
BUT, i have to say that I LOVE YOUR MOM TOO!!
Your mother was my mother when i was a young mom with lots of little kids.
I have read every sentence she wrote, drinking in the lessons that i never learned at home.
Now, I have SEVEN amazing kids and I am living the life I always dreamed I'd have.
(Thanks to your mom, I was prepared NOT to expect perfection.)
So, although my heart is sometimes (ok, often) jelous of you and your extended family…
You're on my grateful tree.
And, under my Christmas tree in dollar store presents.
And, sitting next to my kids on the sorry seat.
And… no, we haven't done the money thing. I can hardly even find my wallet, neverming be that organized.
thanks for sharing her with me!!
ugh. sorry for all the typos!
(someday i'll have time to proofread!)
I like this a lot! 🙂 I too try to be calm in all the chaos that being a mother throws me, and I love to just BE, yet intentional.
Besides this blog as a family journal, do you keep individual journals for your kids? What did you do when they were little to record their growth and development. I have a 4-year-old, and a 3-month-old, and have so much I want to write and remember for them, and myself. I don't know if I should keep it all in one family blog/journal, or have separate journals for each of them.
I can see why you love your Mum – she is wonderful in so many ways! I have a wonderful mother too and I am thankful!
I love your tree and there is certainly a lot of leaves on that tree which I can understand, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for in this world of ours – I certainly got a BIG smile when I saw Australia get a mention 😉
Lovely pictures and awesome photography.
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Your Mom is a gem! As a Mom of six, I have looked to your Mom's insights and experience as a guide. I love her candor. I love her wisdom. Thanks for sharing her with the rest of us.
I saw your mom at church the week of daughter of God and I think I stood staring stunned at her for a few seconds. i think she noticed. haha 🙂 but I couldn't help it, she's just so amazing.