Last week I had a rare opportunity to hang out with my Dad…just him and me. Well, Lucy was our sidekick and interjected facts about princesses here and there but we were allowed some good talking time. (Our family was en route to Aspen Grove for a family reunion with Dave’s side of the family and since Dave is still not ready to drive for hours on end with Lucy in the car, Lu and I fly to things like that.) We happened to have some time before and after the reunion to soak in my parents.
We moved a hutch into a truck (for my dad to transport up to Bear Lake for the summer). (We were pretty proud of ourselves…it was heavy!)
We went on a hike and soaked in the beauty he has always taught me to notice and love. (Do you like his outfit? One of my favorite things about my Dad are his outfits.)
We talked about parenting and religion and the world.
He made my kids feel like a million bucks.Without getting too sappy I want to pay tribute to this man.
One who spent so much time with me that he always knew exactly what I needed growing up.
One who takes his role as “Father” so seriously and who still “gets” me even though I’ve been gone from home for so long.
I’m so incredibly grateful for his model of parenting not only to me but to Dave and to others all over the world.
I think he epitomizes one of the things he strives to do so very well: “Popularize Parenting.”
I couldn’t be more grateful that he’s my Dad.
We also got to spend the whole week last week with Dave’s family (100’s of pictures coming:).
I was so grateful for the opportunity right before Father’s Day to spend time with my wonderful Father-in-Law:
And to witness the effect’s of his parenting of his own nine children:The twinkle of love in his eye for each one of us in this huge group and his fierce conviction to do what is right makes me emotional to think about.
His quiet leadership has made this family so strong and united. I couldn’t help but look around and observe each of Dave’s siblings and their children at the reunion and think about the positive effect that this man has had on them and their children.
Fathers are so incredibly important.
Which brings me to David.The father of my children.
The apple of my eye.
I know I don’t talk about him a whole bunch on here because I am abiding by his wishes, but I must say in honor of Father’s Day that he is the best father I could ever ask for for my children.(And the fact that he grudgingly let me take these pictures was his Father’s Day gift to me:)
He is fiercely protective of our kids.
He is the balance to my laid-back parenting style.He sees needs, strengths and potential where I miss them.
He teaches hard work, and no tolerance for jobs half-done.
He is the perfect balance of strict and high expectations…
…as well as praise and silliness.
Our children think he’s about the best thing that has hit the planet.
And I have to agree.
With all my heart.
Happy Father’s Day to all those amazing Fathers out there who, like these dads, strive to help their children become something bigger than they are.
Elle's dress is gorgeous. I have a 12 year old and its so hard to find modest things. Can you tell me where you got it?
Dude! I am so honored to be one of the three men in your life Shawn!
As you look around at that Pothier framily, it's got to make you feel good that you are not the tallest one there, right???
Happy Father's Day, Dave. We miss you guys.
Amazing post. Thanks for sharing.
Very sweet! Every time I see the pictures of your big extended families…I am in awe. What a blessing!!!
sandy toe
Off subject but had to share… Congrats on being on a huge billboard on Times Square! If you haven't seen here is the link to the article and video:
Hi Shawni,
You are a wonderful example to me. You have such a beautiful family and I truly enjoy reading your blog. You have really great thoughts on parenting and I truly admire you. I have wanted to comment for some time now…My name is Tami and I live in Utah. A few years back your parents came and spoke in our stake and I didn't know who they were then but NOW I do! I love watching them on Studio 5 whenever I get the chance–I love to hear their great words of wisdom. I want to read all of their books one day and refine my parenting skills (totally need that help). I have 5 kids myself with my oldest at nearly 12 yrs. and my youngest at 6 weeks. I feel grateful for my kids but it is definitely so much work! That is why I really appreciate your outlook on life and I always look forward to reading your blog! It boosts me up! You come from such a wonderful family. Thanks for sharing your lives with us.
p.s. Congrats on being named Young Mother of the Year. You are amazing! Keep it up.
Hey Shawni, Thanks for the blog comment! Would love some spotlight recommendations anytime you get a minute. Can't wait to see Aspen Grove pics too, we are headed there in a few weeks. Have a great day!
Sounds like some awsome dads! Great post!
Hi Shawni, I'm a friend of Saren's and I just have to say that the outfit your dad is wearing with the Fringe jacket, basketball shorts and crocs is AWESOME!
Totally made me laugh!:)
I was sure I commented on this but can't find it. Loved reading all this good stuff and so glad to have one of dad's idiosyncratic outfits memorialized on your blog!