When Dave was in college, he lucked out with some good friends.
Friends he still goes skiing with every year.
Friends who have his back and he has theirs, who have supported each other through thick and thin.
When he brought me along into the picture, I inherited those friends too.
And that is a very lucky thing. I have learned so much from them over the years!
This past weekend one of those friend couples had a daughter get married and Dave and I got to join up with some of the other couples to help celebrate. Weddings are awesome aren’t they? I mean, these kids find their “person,” and that is something grand to witness.
Loved getting to visit the Denver Temple, right in the hour or so while the rain broke up and blue sky peeked out:

These friends were so gracious.
When a momentous occasion happens in our neck of the woods, I am scattered and flustered. Whereas Marlowe and Newel were calm, collected and gracious. And even took us out to lunch.

We got to drive the three hours to Steamboat Springs (where they live) with Chris & Samantha. (Chris happens to be Dave’s cousin as well as his friend, and Sam has become such a dear friend to me.)
The drive was so beautiful:

…And so was the wedding celebration.

It was a good way to spend a weekend.
Shawni, I’ve noticed you always say you “got to” to do something. In all the years I’ve been reading your blog, you’ve never said you “had to”… your language suggests you see everything as an opportunity, a gift. I am going to adopt your attitude of gratitude. Thank you.