Having said that, here’s my sweet-but-not-without-her-own-set-of-things-I-worry-about vibrant Grace.

Lots of personality in this one I tell you.
Oh boy I love her.
She has some good friends I’m so grateful for.
This is her third year in a row in student council and she’s kind of good at that thing.(That was field day…she helped man the stations.)
That’s why she chose to run for Vice President of the Jr. High next year. It was a grueling process because she filled out the forms all on her own, then decided maybe she didn’t want to do it because none of her friends were. We had a kind of tender little talk about it and said a little prayer together to help her decide. When I asked how she felt later in the afternoon she said she felt awesome and was all set to do it. So we turned in the forms: But then the world came crashing in on us because she had a choir concert at the same time as the speeches at the same time as all my college girlfriends came to town so she had to bow out by default. Sad day. But she feels good about it and all is well. I’m proud of her for always being up for trying hard things.
Speaking of hard things, she and her friends have decided to put together a little dance and gymnastics class in our back yard. I did nothing to help. Not even an idea (things have been nutty around here lately), but that girl pulled that thing off for the first day yesterday. I was so proud of them and how they maneuvered those little girls to learn all sorts of new things.(I love that it was all little girls and no one batted an eye at Lu’s post-swimming get-up…)
I was kind of sad when I taught art masterpiece this last month. I mean, I have taught many of these sixth grade kids art masterpiece since they were in kindergarten (I adore that program) and now they are going off to Jr. High. How do my babies keep growing up so fast? It was fun to have one last time to be “in charge” of Grace’s sixth grade classroom and watch her sparkly smile amidst her friends.
I recruited Grace and her friend to come help me teach the third graders this month too.
We blew watered down black paint with a straw to make cherry blossom branches modeling after the Japanese painter we were studying.There were fifty students in that class that day because one of the third grade teachers had an emergency so boy was I ever happy to have Grace and her friend for my helpers!
In sixth grade they do a ton of projects that take a LOT of work.
I so love to see kids work so hard on things and learn so much in the process.
Grace’s “sport” of choice right now is gymnastics and dance, neither of which I have many pictures of until the recitals come up in a few weeks, but Grace and Claire did have their choir concert last weekend and boy howdy I wish I could have recorded the whole thing. It’s this humongous choir (different portions practice at different times) and they all come together in concert which makes for quite a fantastical sound.
This is how the stage looked with everyone on it:
Wow, right? They are packed on there like sardines.
So much so that it was hard to find my girls at first but here’s Grace:
And here she is on the other side of the stage:I will try to put some video clips with Claire’s run-down tomorrow.
Love you Gracie!
Grace seems like a really kind, fun and vibrant girl.
I've been reading your blog for quite a while and love it! I don't have kids, but I do have 16 nieces and nephews. I actually think you keep it pretty real and down to earth…I love all your photos.
When you use that white backdrop, do you use lighting at all or just the natural light? Taking photos is a big hobby…and I am thinking of purchasing one.
Thanks for sharing your blog!!
I think grace would be sooo fun to hang out with! She has sucha fun personality, and she really is a little social butterfly, I love that she is not afraid to try new things, good for you Grace!!!
Is Graces' gymnastic class open for another student? My 7 year old would love to join! JamieLhilton@gmail.com
Is she a Greenfield Gator?! Loved seeing that gator shirt…lots of great memories there! Love your blog and cute family! (I'm annie haviland's sister 😉 )
I love this idea of highlighting the good in each of your kids. It helps remind us of what special little people they are.
I love your blog. I enjoy coming here.
P.S. I have read your book about 30 times. I keep going back for answers. Thanks for all the great tips.
I love your blog! I heard you speak at TOFW up here in Logan a couple of years ago and totally feel in love with your stories. I don't have any children of my own but, do have teenage neices nephews who remind me so much of your children. I would like to know a little more about The Joy School and how to or even IF it would fly in Logan. My email is stebbersjensen@gmail.com Thanks for sharing your family with me. I feel like if I saw them at Walmart, I'd know who they are.
Heather, that is just the backdrop outside but in the shade. No extra lighting.
Thanks so much! Love the pictures you've done with it! 🙂
As you know, I adore that Grace. She is full of pizzaz and is a laugh a minute! I can't wait to see her dance concert in June. Her mother's pretty terrific too!