I can’t let November slip away without one last gratitude post. Because there is so much to be grateful for. And in my book, gratitude equals happiness. I love that November fades into December where our gratitude for the Savior can linger and hold tight to our hearts. But there are little things (which are really big things when you really think about it) that I’m so grateful for that I feel compelled to write. I’m so grateful for these children of mine. …have to post this one too…can you tell how much those girls love their brother?
I am so grateful for how they look out for one another (most of the time). How they genuinely love each other. For how when they make mistakes they understand the beauty of repentance. And how they forgive me when I make mistakes (all the time). I’m so grateful God trusted me with them. I do not take that lightly. I’m so grateful for my sisters.
…and for their goodness that teaches me all the time. I’m so grateful for my brothers who’s hearts are as good as gold…and who have married some of my favorite people. I’m grateful for the brother who lives here who knows how to do and fix everything and helps me all the time. The most recent thing he did was help us change our kitchen faucet that we had to to this to use for a few days:
I’m so grateful for parents who have taught me more than I could ever express. And how they still teach me every single day. And for Dave’s parents who’s eyes twinkle with love for our family and that they have raised my husband to be the perfect partner for me. I’m grateful for the other kids they raised I adore. I’m grateful for the washing machine whirling behind me right now. I’m grateful for windows that let beautiful light into my house. I’m grateful for a church that helps me do hard things (being a chorister is hard for someone with my pin-sized amount of musical ability). I’m grateful for the cute kids I work with who don’t care an ounce if I don’t know how to sing or lead. I’m so grateful for good friends. I know I said it back here, but the last couple days I have really needed some help with Dave being out of town and taking on a few too many commitments (and not getting much sleep). There have been a couple instances I’ve been brought to tears with all they are willing to drop and do for our family in a moment’s notice: Drive carpools, go over intricate details of mothering and how in the world to help particular children I’m worried about, help me find a projector for a little speaking engagement I had, call to check on me, etc. Also, I came across this note our friend gave us when we got back from India:
Seriously, could we have chosen better new neighbors? I think not. I’m grateful to know I am a daughter of God. And that He is there to carry me through all the tough stuff that comes along in life. My list could go on and on endlessly, but on this last day of November, especially after just having read this yesterday, I wanted to be sure I got in one last “song of gratitude.”
I love what you said about this season being a reminder to keep the Savior close.
This was a perfectly timed post. I experienced deep heartbreak on Sunday, but this week has been filled with blessings. Earthly angels have come to my aid countless times.
Thank you for posting this and being one of my earthly angels today.
Loved reading this, so beautiful.
This is a beautiful post!
A very fitting final post during this wonderful month of gratitude. Thank you!
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