Remember when I talked about our second son back here?

Well, I have a cyber-friend who blogs to help raise money for Rising Star, the organization we found Krishnamoorthy through. Read about how she does that here. For advertising inquiries click here. She is truly outstanding and she is sure helping the cause over there in India. I hope that some day we will get to go over there and see how they run that wonderful organization.

Today I am guest-posting on her blog (she’s doing a series on finding joy in mothering….not really related to India 🙂 Click here to get there.

On a different topic, Power of Moms is doing their second annual “New England Motherhood Retreat” in October. I just thought I’d let you know because I am drooling over it not only because I love those things and feel so incredibly rejuvenated when I attend one, but because I bet the leaves will be at the height of their glory right about then. There is nothing in the world like New England in the Fall. The retreat is going to be at the most beautiful home and they have secured great hotel rates at a close-by hotel but the good rates end I think by the end of this week so get hoping if you want to go! (More info. here.)


  1. I live on Lake Winni as well…beautiful time to come and visit. I would love to go to the retreat but will be out of town at that time. Good luck to you and enjoy beautiful NH!!

  2. My husband is our bishop and he was preparing his lesson on the new movement. We saw your clip and I said, "Ooh, she has a blog!" and knew I had to check it out. Well, I have been sufficiently inspired 🙂 Thank you for sharing your mothering–so much of your ideas and insights have given me new perspective on my role as a mother and reminded me to find joy in it!! Can I ask you one non-mothering question: What color paint is in your living/kitchen area? We're finishing a "spruce up" ourselves and I'm trying to find that just-right beige 🙂 Thanks!

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