Happy New Year!
We are up in a glorious winter wonderland and I’ve meant to sit down and post these New Years ideas for a few days but phew! There’s a lot going on up here! And I’ve been living it up I tell you!
But it’s 2020! And although I have no idea how that past decade went by so speedy-quick, we’re on to another exciting new year. So I figured it would be a good time to share the little class I did about the dream books our family does, (and that we will be revamping when we get back to the desert).

I mentioned this class back HERE (i Heart Planners asked me to do it for their big annual organization conference) and I’ve have had some requests since then to share more about how we do this so here you go! I love that it’s a continual refining and rethinking plans and dreams, not just a big long list of New Years resolutions that go by the wayside as the year progresses. More of a long-term thing. (I’m not so hot at YouTube so I’m not sure why Grace is the “thumbnail” at the beginning but doesn’t that make you so excited because she and Dave and the other girls make their appearances at the end…woohoo!)!
And also, remember the “one word” podcast Vanessa asked me to do with her for the #momforce Chatbooks podcast, which simplifies new years goals even further to just one word to work on the whole year (something I’ve done and loved for a lot of years). I have talked about that with some other thoughts.

I have quite a few posts outlining my “one word” mantras each year that have helped keep my mind and heart focused on what’s most important to me.
Hope everyone is having a grand new year so far!
Thanks! I wanted to know about the dream books so we can use some ideas for this year.
Thank you so much for sharing this! It was JUST what our family needed in this season of life. We started our binders last night and feel pretty excited about this decade ahead. 💗 Thank you!
I love the dream books for each child! I have 5 kiddoes too and I love being able to encourage them in each season of their lives! I’ve done a lot of talking with them about their goals, but not much in writing. Great ideas!! Thank you!
Great video! Just wondering what age your kiddos started making their books. Is first grade too early?
As a teacher at the beginning of the school year, I visited each student in their home with the purpose of setting goals. A one-on-one conference with their parent(s) established a commitment for all of us. Kids had ownership! Goals paved the way for accomplishment at the end of the year.
Also, when my husband and I have our annual “goals dinner/date” we start it off with a “Best of…” conversation. Reminiscing about our “Best ofs” for that year (book, movie, trip, workout, date, even best dinner or when we lived in Europe best bakery or pastry!”). So fun, quick way to document the year and a good lead in for goal planning. Love the idea of dream books and want to try it with my children. Thank you kindly for all that you share!
Thank you so much for sharing that You Tube video! I haven’t checked into your blog as regularly lately, but this was just what I needed today! My oldest are 9 and 7 and we have started setting goals in our family council each Sunday night — but this will take us to a whole new level. I also really appreciate that you keep it real and admit they don’t always get updated every month. It’s a nice reminder that we don’t have to be perfect in the systems we set in place for our family, and that having those systems will still be beneficial.