Someone in Dave’s family started a tradition of writing ten things they love about the person having a birthday. I’ve adopted this and love it because it really makes me think about that person and how much I love and appreciate them. So, since Dave had his big day last week…
Top ten things I love about David on his 37th birthday:
1) His dimples. There’s nothing like them to magnify that smile I fell in love with 13 years ago. Ok, maybe the twinkly smiley eyes he inherited from his mom compete pretty well with those dimples to accentuate that 1000 gigawatt smile. To put it simply…I really like his smile.
2) His ability to see the “big picture.” He amazes me with how he understands the world and the essence of the real core of the gospel. He always seems to see things in a different dimension that I do…he looks deeper and feels more deeply in many ways than I do.
3) His counseling wisdom. He’s always the one I want to ask for advice and always knows what to do in tough situations (except for picking out dining room furniture…) He’s right behind me with any photography business questions I have and always has great ideas.
4) His business sense. Maybe it’s part of his “big picture” ability, but he has visions and understands the technicalities of business…it just seems to come so naturally to him.
5) His ability to “father.” The way he adores his kids, and is fiercely protective of them. I love to talk to him about each child and get his perspective on how they’re doing because he sees things that would have never registered in my mind and has ways in mind in which we can nurture and help that particular child more. Needless to say the kids adore him right back and can’t get enough of him. Max particularly will do anything in his power to hang out more with his dad.
6) His sensitivity. Beneath his sometimes tough exterior he’s a real softie at heart. He loves others so much and sees ways in which they need to be noticed or helped, and does just what’s needed to make them feel at ease.
7) His partnership. He is my best friend and I can tell him absolutely anything in the world. He’s the best to stay up late at night with and just talk in bed in the dark. I love his ideas and his passion.
8) His sense of humor. He has this knack that he can make me smile even when I’m furious at him. He has a way to joke about things to lighten things up and make me not take things quite so seriously.
9) His kindness. Aside from being sensitive to others, he is purely kind. The other day at the gas station we were getting air in our tires and another woman needed to use the air. We were in a hurry but with a smile he handed over the air to the lady and let her go first. It was such a little thing, but there was something in the look on his face and the ease in which he just saw something nice to do for someone else and did it (the normalcy of the action…not for show…not to make himself look good…just to help someone) made me fall even more in love with him.
10) His complete honesty. What you see is what you get. He’ll tell it like it is.
11) His determination. When he sets his mind so something you know he’ll stick with it and do it no matter how hard it is. Not only physical things like the marathon or triathlon, but mentally and emotionally and spiritually as well. He’s got his mental list of things he wants to do and he does them. Period.
12) He is drop-dead handsome.
Man, I really love this guy and I’m so incredibly grateful that I get to call him “mine.” Sappy, I know, but he’s the best.
The only problem is that in his “old age” he’s really let himself go…
I know, kind of a gross picture but I know Dave will get a kick out of it.
Happy Birthday Dave. You are a great guy and we are so glad to call you our friend.