I’ve got to stop doing this on birthdays. Because I stay up late and get all emotional as I look through all these old pictures. So much love fills me up I can hardly stand it. Maybe that’s a good thing, but boy do I ever love this girl! Today she turns 26.

I can hardly believe how lucky we are to have her.
She lights up a room.

She is a nurturer from the start.

(Each of her sisters adore her forever.)

She’s a model:)

A fashionista:

An athelete:

A musician:

A heart-throb:

A beauty-lover:

The best adventure partner:

An art lover (and creator):

She passed me up long ago not only in height, but in wit and charm and level-headedness and organization:

She shares her birthday with another one of my favorite people in the whole world (happy birthday Saydi!!!)

And we adopted her cake floating birthday tradition.

She found the best partner in all the land:

Oh I could go on and on and on, but I’ll leave it with this one:
She is a light-sharer.

She’s not afraid to share her own brand of light and goodness in the world. She knows who she is and is genuine in that unique brand of humble confidence. And she is the friend everyone wants. I’m so glad I get her for not only my daughter, but my friend.
Love you forever Miss Wellesley Jade!!
Hope it’s the best birthday in your new home in that new adventure you and Carson are on! Give each other big hugs from your mama!
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You are hands down the luckiest mom around!! There is something so intriguing about your oldest girl. All of your girls are so beautiful and photogenic since they were tiny that I’ve always thought they would be perfect models! Especially Ellie. Her height, smile, and personality are quite a package!!
She just seems so much like a young lady that has the world by the tail. Or something like that. I can’t remember how that old saying goes right now, but whatever it is, Ellie just seems to have it all. It must feel so amazing to know that she will always have a happy life and you don’t ever have to worry night and day about her. I mean, I’m sure you worry about the usual things that moms worry about, like health and such, but she just seems to have the “secret” to being happy and safe and having good judgement and always doing what’s right. What a great role model for her younger sisters!! You have so much to be proud of Shawni!!
Oh Laura you are the nicest, thank you so much for this comment and it filled me up with even more love for Elle. You’re right, she does have the world by the tail. She is the best and I look up to her and count my lucky stars I get to be her mom every day. All that you said is true, including the worries that come with motherhood for sure. None of us get so skip that…at least I don’t think so!! I saw your message on the newer post so I’ll go answer that one too, but wanted to thank you so much for this sweet message. It’s always so good to feel so much encouragement so I’m sending it right back to you.