We are trying to get ready for Christmas here. So far, we whipped up some red paper chains to string around the house for Family Home Evening last night while listening to Christmas music that kept blanking out because of the Internet. We have to whip up some creative energy to turn this little Chinese home of ours into a Christmas festivus (that’s not a word, but you probably know what I mean :).
But I love the simplicity of the holidays so far here in China. It makes me realize the decorations and hoopla surrounding Christmas are so wonderful and bring in the spirit so much, but they are not Christmas.
Christ is.
Dave takes the kids to early-morning seminary each morning, and after they leave, before I wake up my three bleary-eyed little girls I take a moment to check emails and get ready for the day. My mom sent me this link this morning which resulted in my wake-up call to my girls being made with tears in my eyes. What a beautiful reminder of what Christmas really is.
I’m so grateful to also be part of another way to remember the true meaning of Christmas on this awesome new blog called “Multiply Goodness” over HERE.
There will be little ideas of things we can do to help find the true meaning of the season over there each day this month. So excited to follow along to help fill this home with the true spirit of Christmas.
That's a beautiful reminder of the true meaning.
A lovely video – brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing.