I just got back from a business trip with Dave. I am the luckiest lady that I get to go away with him every once in a while. Seriously, I just look at him all the time and think to myself, “man oh man how did I get so lucky to snag that guy?” Sadly, I was pretty sick the whole time…I don’t know what’s wrong with me…but we had fun anyway, and we both got a bunch of work done.
Now we’ve got our work cut out for us with a bazillion things needing to get done…he has to take off for China and I have to buckle down and figure out how to fight the state to let us keep our therapy for Lucy (amongst a bunch of doctor and insurance stuff).
But let me pause and relate the questions I came home with:
How did we get so lucky to have the best people ever take such great care of our kids while we were gone?
How did our kids get that much cuter while we were gone?
How did my five-year-old manage to get every single stitch of clothing she owns dirty…even the stuff that’s still in her drawers?
How did my husband get so conscientious that he helped me fold all seven loads of laundry that I did today?
Why didn’t Heavenly Father make Moms have wings so they can really nestle all their kids safely under them (especially after they’ve been out of town) and just hold them there together for a while so all their love can soak into each of their hearts?
How is it that people are so incredibly good that we can come home to even more of the kindest, most thoughtful e-mails and hand-written real cards and letters from people about Lucy and life?
Our hearts are so full.
you are the greatest.
Sweet Sweet post! Sorry about having to fight the state about Lucy’s therapy. That is no good! Hope you get feeling better!
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Lisa B is on of my dear friends and told me I just had to read the blog of her amazing friend! She was right. Thank you for your inspiring writing. I am encouraged knowing there are Moms out there fighting the good fight! 🙂 Families are everything and I love peeking in on yours! I hope that’s all right! Best of luck with your sweet Lucy. The Lord holds those special ones close. Michelle G
So glad you’re home! Get well! That’s an order! Sure love to read these your thoughts!
Where did you go on your trip?
Hope you feel better!!!
I am friends with Kara Kelly. Our family is in need of a family picture before my parents leave on a mission July 1st. I just wanted to see if there was any chance you would be in town June 11th to the 16th? If not, don’t worry. I just love the pictures you take and thought I would just check.
Thanks! Ashley Richards
Hi Shawni! I’m glad you and Dave were able to get away and I hope you’re feeling better. I know life is crazy, but I would love get together one of these days!
Shawni, send me an email at camille@whitings.org. I want to ask you something but not on the blog.