It seems like there were so many things swirling around Easter this year. So many things on my heart, but also things on this blog! Kind of fun to have “new life” here right at the very time we were celebrating new life at Easter. Now that we have this new space, let’s talk about how Easter went down in 2023.

Isn’t it crazy how much Easter shifts and changes over the years? It seems that I was just barely here with all these kids crowded around me.

They were the ones teaching about Holy Week, they were mesmerized by egg dying, their eyes were all aglow about those Easter egg hunts.

And then, of course, there were the matching outfits I worked hard on each year:)

We were so excited that these two college girls were here to help us celebrate this year.

No one more excited than Lucy though! That girl can never get enough of her sisters.
I must say, the girls were pretty excited themselves.
I mean, it has snowed and snowed and then snowed some more in Utah this winter, so they couldn’t get enough of basking in the desert sun. (more on that in the next post).
Dying Easter eggs
We had Jo and Aja come paint eggs with us the day before:

(their kids were with grandparents and we missed them!)
Have I mentioned before how much I love painting eggs?

I do.
Easter Morning
Wait, let’s back up, because on Easter eve Dave and I got in a little fight (just trying to keep it real over here!). Man, I was so tired and sometimes the world seems like it’s caving in on you. Oh, we made up, mostly the next morning, but luckily the Easter Bunny was still able to work the string magic. Just with one string this year that all the girls followed…

…to find some funny Easter baskets with a few things I scrounged up from our gift closet.

And yes, that’s a cantaloupe in Lucy’s basket. She adores cantaloupe and luckily we happened to have one sitting on the counter. Ha! All the rest of us are not eating candy for 2023, so she suffered on the candy-in-the-basket dealio.
But we still had some pretty good fun with that Easter egg hunt.

Then, Easter Sunday church:

Filled with so many people we love.
We split the rest of the day between two families.
Josh, Jo and Aja (and kids) came over for our traditional Easter eggs Benedict:

We had a special little devotional around breakfast and also watching the church Easter videos after.

Also, that pic on the right up there? We had some fun with these confetti eggs I randomly picked up at Walmart.
The kids decided to put on a Easter egg hunt challenge for the adults and hid those eggs in really tough places:

But I think we still found them all…plus a few remaining oranges on the trees!

Then we headed over to celebrate with Dave’s side of the family for dinner.

So much has changed since these days long ago!

Look at all these big kids!

We don’t get together nearly as much as we used to these days, so it felt so good just to slow time down and catch up for a little bit as we celebrated the tail end of Easter.

And that, my friends, is how Easter went down in 2023.
Can you share where your girls dresses came from? They are so pretty and I’m looking for something just like that for my college age daughters! Thank you so much!
Claire and Grace’s are from Nordstrom, and Lucy’s is one of Grace’s old mission dresses since she just couldn’t feel comfortable in the new one Grace, Claire and I picked out for her.
Shawni, I’ve noticed that you and your beautiful girls are wearing beautiful peaces of jewelry. Is there a story behind them?❤️
Thank you Matilda! Nothing very sentimental except for Lucy’s “L” necklace that she has worn since she was practically a baby (we just keep getting longer chains because she loves it so much!).