Want to know how to organize your fridge when you have low vision?

Just grab some green masking tape and ask Lucy to help you.

This kid is a wonder.

She’s been asking forever for us to organize the fridge so she can find things. It’s so tricky for her to feel her way through, and understandably frustrating. So we have organized that fridge of ours.

Over and over and over again.

But stuff seems to not stay in the same spots. It’s funny how the three people living at home can’t seem to get their acts together on this. Well, really two people because we know the younger one is certainly good at it.

So a couple weeks ago Lucy took matters into her own hands and asked if we could label the shelves.

How to Organize Your Fridge with Low Vision

It was awesome. We got it all labeled and situated, down to the “Mom’s Stuff” shelf (sourdough starter, yeast, garlic, my favorite greek yogurt…all that jazz).

And those handy dandy labels have helped us so much. Even when all the kids were home this last weekend we still have some semblance of order in there.


Go Lucy, we’ve got this!

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  1. There’s a fantastic app called “be my eyes” that connects blind and low vision users with volunteers who effectively act as their eyes over live video! It can be used for anything from grocery shopping to picking out clothes, etc.
    you’ve shared Lucy is not keen on accepting much assistance or modification, but this could be a great tool for her, especially if she’s planning to go away to college next year!

    1. Just wanted to add that there’s an option for “community” within the app where family and friends can sign up and it would call them rather than a stranger if that’s preferable to her. Everyone in your “community” would get a ping if she needed help and then the first person who’s available can just take it. Pretty cool, huh? Much easier than FaceTiming several people to see who’s available.
      Also wanted to mention eSight glasses, which are basically a magnifier she can wear so she doesn’t need to lug that thing around, which you mentioned is quite cumbersome. I don’t know her exact needs but it could be worth a try!

      And finally, I’m sure you’ve already got this down, but apple makes some incredible adaptive technology and allows the iPhone to be easily navigated with low or no vision. Just in case she hasn’t tried it out, it’s worth a go!

  2. Good job Lucy. Enough waiting around for silly mom and dad. This success reminds me of another Lucy question: I know she’s a devoted card/game player. I think you mentioned that she’s no longer able to see faces. What the work around for games?

  3. Way to go Lucy!!! It looks so good! And anyone else super nosey and zoomed in to see what was in the fridge🤣❤️

    1. I had a look too. 😀

      But because I’m in the UK I haven’t heard of most of the items.

      They’ve got some great food in there.

  4. Hello – I am a long time reader and once upon a time visiting teacher to your sister Saydi. My mother has macular degeneration that has been held at bay for a few years, but suddenly almost overnight has resulted in her going blind. She has very very limited vision and as you can imagine has been difficult to navigate. They actually live in the Mesa area. This is all new for us but I have watched some of the things Lucy has used over the years and I am wondering if you can point me to a few places to help us. I was hoping to send you an email, but I don’t know what your address is. I’m wondering what technology you have found the best in terms of magnifiers, tablets, etc. I’m also wondering what the best places are in the Phoenix area as resources for us to reach out to. I appreciate any advice!

    Megan Williams

    1. Hi Megan! Most of Lucy’s vision aids (magnifier, touch-screen computer, etc.) are through the school system. We are getting busy and have an appointment this weekend to try to get going on how to transition these kinds of things for college. There are several low-vision support meetings that could be helpful, I will email you❤️

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