A couple months ago Dave, Elle and I were having a discussion.
Elle was telling us her plans of running for Vice President for the following school year.
“Why not run for president?” we both asked.
Elle replied, “No way, I don’t want to be the one in charge!”
Dave gave me a little wink at this news because he and I have an ongoing joke about how much Elle and I seem to have the same brain.
In school I never would have dreamed of running for president…of anything. It’s just not my thing.
I’m pleased as punch to do whatever people want me to do, but I have never aspired to be the one making the decisions. I’m horrible at delegating. I’m a wishy-washy decision maker. And I prefer to be comfortably tucked behind the person in charge.
A few weeks after this little enlightening conversation we attended this event. As I observed all the amazing preparation and detail that went into that evening I thought to myself that I better never, ever get called to be the Young Women president. You know why? Because those leaders have more creativity and composure among those girls in their pinky fingers than I could dream of having in my body.
So after that you can guess what happened, right? Yep, I got released from my stake calling and was promptly asked to serve as the Young Women’s president.
Talk about humbling. Especially when the last YW president was pretty much born to do that calling. She has been incredible with the girls, and has impacted their lives for good in countless ways that will change them forever.
And now here I am.
Trying to figure out which way is up.
I keep thinking of that line in “The Incredibles” where Elastigirl is freaking out and that outfit-maker lady (Edna) grabs her by her shirt and says “You’ve got to pull yourself together!!” And Elastigirl does.
And then she helps save the world.
Now if only I could turn into Elastigirl so I could balance and expand to all the needs to be met.
Despite all the craziness I keep reminding myself of this: God is in the details.
And I have two great things on my side:
1) I have been able to get amazing counselors and other advisors in place over the last week which has helped me start to breathe again.
2) As I have prayed for these girls this pure love for them has spread through my heart. They have put me in awe numerous times already. The Laurels (16-17 year olds) came to visit me on Sunday night with their glowing smiles and so much encouragement. The cute presidency invited me to meet them at the temple the other night:My jaw dropped as I listened to them talk about their love of the other girls and life in general. Man alive, at that age I was probably sitting moping about my own issues. These girls are strong. They are good. And they have already taught me countless things in a handful of days.
I’ve learned things like that we now have to answer our phone…and we need to actually listen to messages when we miss calls. I’ve learned I may as well get one of those headphone speaker thingies because my phone has been permanently attached to my ear since Sunday. And keeping up on e-mails? I better give up on that for a while.
But most of all, I have learned that God’s hand is stretched out, and he’ll help me take care of His girls. And my family. And my friends I love so much but never get a chance to talk to. And all the other minutia that fills up the nooks and crannies in my life. I’m not sure quite how yet, but I have to remember to take one step at a time…and to delegate…and to accept help from above as well as from others.
My left eyelid has begun to twitch uncontrollably. Is that a bad sign?…
You are going to be amazing. You have such great girls and they will love all of you guys!
Deep breaths, lots of prayers and you'll be just fine.
So excited for you!
Lucky girls!!!!
Lets's see, I've been the Primary President and the YW President. I have also been the RS President. Twice. Once in the single's branch, and more recently called as I was 8 months pregnant with my 4th child. These were all before the age of forty. Let me assure you, if I can do these things, so can you (and so much more because you really are so talented). You will be so great and the girls will love you and you will change their lives!
Congratulations! God will help you to fulfill your duties!
I know how you feel! I was called 6 months ago as Relief Society President when baby number 8 was 6 months old and I thought I was going to faint. Somehow we keep on going! You will be amazing!! I'm sure the girls are thrilled!
what a great idea.. i need to try that with my kids.. so since i asked you several posts ago. and clearly you dont read your posts right? where did you get your table at?!?
How exciting for your new calling with the YW, but I must say that the Cub Scouts and Primary will surely miss you!!
Great post!
Lucky lucky girls to learn from you!
The end of your post made me giggle. I think we all feel like that. You will do great. You must be the right person to love and teach those girls right now. They are so lucky.
As a former overwhelmed YW Pres there are two things you need to do for the girls…love them like crazy and let them know it regularly and help them feel and recognize the spirit in their lives. Everything else is secondary. Good advice given to me by a much wiser woman than I.
I just got called to be RS president and I ditto EVERYTHING you said about being the one BEHIND the one in charge. I am a good worker-bee. I hate, hate, HATE being in charge…
That said,
your YW are lucky, lucky girls. Best wishes. 🙂
I guess the Lord had other plans for you. The good thing is that you don't have to do it all alone.
What better time now to stick to mind organization with all the hats we all where as mothers, sisters and daughters.
I love the comment your daughter expressed and that you also echoed…"I don't want to be the one in charge"! So many of us feel that exact same way with numerous issues in life! Don't worry, you aren't. But the Lord will be. I am sure as you petition the Lord on these girls behalf you will find yourself safely tucked bedhind HIM. Good luck!
I can't think of anyone better than you. Fun times to be in there with your daughter too. You will be terrific because you love and live the gospel of Christ. Jill B.
Yes, it's a whole new ball game when you're the president! You can do it, Sora! So many great blessings are coming your way. I think sometimes the Lord gives us hard callings just at the times in our lives when we need the most blessings. GOOD LUCK. Te iubesc.
Ah life is real…lllly hard. One more big important ball to juggle will somehow fit in the circle and everything will work out, just as the almighty already knows. We just have to convince you of that. How we all love you!
Wow, I just clicked over to your post after I finished typing up some notes for my opening remarks for YW in Excellence this Sunday. The theme of my remarks is that we can do hard things…with the Lord's help. We have just got to include Him every step of the way. I know I would never EVER have survived my last few years as YW Pres. without relying on the Lord constantly.
You will be an amazing YW Pres. Good luck!
Oh Shawni those girls are so blessed to have you in there! You are going to be amazing!! I loved the reminder that God is in the details.
Those girls are going to have so much fun with you leading the way. I can't believe how much you manage to fit into your life. Good luck.
I am seriously excited to be able to serve with you! You will be fantastic! I'm sure everyone already loves you to pieces!
Yea, you will love it, I have been YW president for almost 2 years, now, best calling I have ever had and I was just like you, completely overwhelmed, but the girls make it all worthwhile. Can't wait to hear how much you love it in a few months. Good luck!!!!
i'm the YW pres – i'll be looking up to you even more now:) you'll be wonderful! (and more busy – you'll learn to delegate:)
and i just did a thanksgiving tree today. i blogged it – and about you:)
You will be wonderful! Let the new ball in the juggling act begin! Love ya girl!
Haven't been a YW Pres. but was a Laurel's advisor and LOVED it. The girls need to know you love them–that's it! Everything else will fall into place. That's why you have a presidency, not just you alone. And everyone knows(who reads this blog) you are talented and amazing beyond normalcy, geez.
Oh Shawni…you'll be amazing! I think I'm a little bit, okay, a LOT a bit like you. I am SO the same as you. My husband teases me about it all of the time. I laughed OUT LOUD when I was called to be Primary President…then I realized it wasn't a joke…and started crying :). You'll be awesome and will be able to touch so many!!!
PS We put an offer on a house near you…same floor plan…I might need to come get some decorating ideas 🙂
Congrats Pres!! I was released Sunday from YW President. I am still mourning the loss and empty feeling. Serving in YW's is the Best!! My advice…use your counselors, temple attendance, prayer, delegate and have fun with the YW. It is a busy, crazy calling, but so rewarding and fun! You will be incredible! You are there right now for a reason.
What a wonderful calling! You've answered my emails in the past- thank you- I was so grateful. The Lord knows what we are capable of…you already have I'm sure…but you will receive so many spiritual experiences, blessings, and be refined. Good luck and enjoy the journey!!!
I'm in the Stake YW Presidency now and I've seen as a ward's YW presidency changes that whoever is the new one always brings new talents and different focuses to the young women which are always what is needed at the time. You will do great! It's not about being creative it's about loving the girls and you will be able to do that no problem! You will be a great example to them!
I've been the YW president twice (once in LA and once in Boston) and it has been my favorite calling. You'll love it.
Love your blog. Ok, nevermind…somewhat obsessed with your blog and family. So cute. I'm sure you have better things to do…but I LOVE the letter P on your wall and I was wondering where you got it. I've been looking everywhere for a P that isn't too plain but to no avail. Do you remember where you got it? Thanks.
Oh my word I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! Being called as a president of anything is my biggest nightmare! I have to say though, you are going to be AMAZING!!!! I have complete faith that you will change those girls' lives and that they could not have called a better person! But also, from one position-of-authority avoider to another, may the force be with ya sista!
Just from "knowing" you through your blog, I can tell you will be amazing! Wish I could come spy on you and your girls to get ideas. I REALLY hope that as you adjust to your calling you tell us your secrets that make it all work! I am young women's president here in our ward in West Virginia and love it! There is an instant love for the girls.
Always wish I could remember what my old young women's presidency did and said though so I could get ideas!
You will do awesome! Good luck!
What an awesome responsibility and such an honor. A wonderful an unforgettable journey you are about to embark on. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!
What beautiful girls! So excited for you! I would be terrified, too, but I LOVE young women (and especially the laurels). You will be great…all they need is to see a good example of someone who loves the gospel and lives it, and you seem to do that well.
The phone will stop ringing so much in a little while. I got called as Primary president and it was off the hook, but now I am coming up on 2 years and it definitely got better. Your blog is great. My friend just told me to go here. Great posts!
Couldn't think of anyone better! 😉
Oh you will be so so awesome! Those girls are beyond lucky to have you there. Somehow you will manage it all and even miss the chaos one day when you are no longer in YW!
Try being in the YW presidency while delivering 14 and 15 year old's babies every week.
I can really give a great morality lesson. 🙂
This doesn't surprise me a bit. You'll be perfect for those girls. Just let a little of the love you feel for your own family and life ooze onto them a little and it will be smooth sailing.
I wish one of my girls was old enough to be in Young Women with you! Those girls are soooo lucky.