Elle has this new thing where she has to hunt for sun spots when she takes pictures.  So I joined her and her friends in search of their beauty one day when the sun was just right.  Here are a few of our experimentation shots. 2012-09-21 Barney ranch 605362012-09-21 Barney ranch 605512012-09-21 Barney ranch 605742012-09-21 Barney ranch 605762012-09-21 Barney ranch 605772012-09-21 Barney ranch 605892012-09-21 Barney ranch 605942012-09-21 Barney ranch 606012012-09-21 Barney ranch 606372012-09-21 Barney ranch 606412012-09-21 Barney ranch 606522012-09-21 Barney ranch 60687 Ok, so we didn’t get so many actual “spots” but we sure had fun trying.

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  1. such pretty girls! Shawni, I have this growing mental list of things I keep wanting to pass onto you! (that sounds so weird, but it's true, haha!) First, I figured out how to play the Power of Moms podcasts in my car (thru Bluetooth), and it is AWESEOME. It's never made driving so enjoyable!! They are GREAT. I hope people know about them! Second, I got your packet and enjoyed it SO SO much. I read every story, and hung onto the words. I didn't see until a few days later that Max had written a note in my Book of Mormon. Such a nice touch, thank you for all of the prep and thought that went into those! I took so much from it! Third, do you know about the app called ArtKive?? You snap pics of your kids artwork on your phone, and it automatically puts it all into a book!! SO AMAZING, I am anxious to start using it!

    Happy week to you. 🙂

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