For the last few years Dave and I have tried to maneuver timing well enough to take a little trip from Bear Lake up to Yellowstone since it’s so close and so beautiful.
This year we made is as far as Teton National Park and Jackson Hole.
Oh man, I am so in love with that place.
Is it nostalgia because we spent a lot of time there growing up, or is it that it is just so incredibly gorgeous up there? Such a feeling of rugged outdoor beauty.
(Those Tetons make my heart beat fast.)
So many memories of spending time with my family in this main square.
(Too bad it’s missing “Billy Burger” and the Bennetton and Polo Outlets now, some of our favorite spots from the good old days.)
The crazy thing is that out of all the rentals in Jackson, the only one that was open (summer is nutty crowded up there) happened to be two doors down from the condo my parents used to own:
Now that is weird.
As we drove closer and closer so many memories flooded in. So fun to share it all with the kids.
We went into town for breakfast the first day.
And explored a couple galleries.
I loved sharing this one with them:
…and I especially loved that they got to into it with me.
I’ll have to do a separate post about one of my favorite photos from there…sure made me think.
As we were walking around town, we heard our names being called and realized, out of all the people in the world that could be wandering Jackson Hole at that very moment, it was our cousins from back in the desert and Nana and Papa.
They were in their car on their way to raft the river so they pulled over for a little impromptu reunion.
How crazy is that?
Here’s their “amazed” expressions that we ran into each other:
Ha ha.
There was some kind of stomach bug going around at Bear Lake and unfortunately Dave started feeling pretty awful with it right as we were leaving to hike around Jenny Lake.
And because the weather was calling for rain he sent us off to catch the hike before the rain came in while he snuggled up in bed for a little bit.
As we were walking to catch the boat we saw this beauty about 30 feet from the trail:
After we watched him in awe for a little bit we headed out to catch the boat.
We had a contest to see who could capture the most beautiful things to show Dave when we got back.
There was so much beauty to choose from!
Oh man I love it when my kids soak in nature.
We took the loop to the waterfall and got back just as the first raindrops started plopping down.
En route back we started getting pelted.
Headed back to check on Dave…hoping he was well enough to go to the rodeo that night.
…to be continued…
(part 2 is HERE, part 3 is HERE)
I feel silly asking, but are all those antlers in the first picture real?
They are real! And there are 4 "tunnels" of them on each corner of the town square.
We just returned from Jackson ourselves.
Hi!! Love the photos! What lens do you use for your shots?
In the "amazed" picture, Dave and the boy next to your mother-in-law look like "Oh no! Why?!" ๐
Beautiful pics Shawni!
– Brian
So this is so weird for me. What were the dates you were in Jackson. My family was there July21-25. I have followed your blog for about 3 years and enjoy your families adventures. We have a condo in the same complex it is the one next to the creek and nearest to the cattle guard you go over. I would have loved to meet your family. I guess next time I should get my head out of the books when sitting on the patio. Beautiful pictures. It is my favorite happy place for me. Nature in it's grandest.
We were just there last week! So fun to see the same places we visited. The boat ride at Jenny Lake was a favorite for our little kids. And that art gallery is so beautiful! I wanted to bring a bunch of those prints home with us, but we settled for the 3D polar bear puzzle. ๐
I totally need a hair tutorial on how to do those braids on Elle and Claire!! So cool.
Our family loves Jackson Hole! We miss Billy's Burgers but the owners opened a new restaurant called The Lift. It still has the original Billy's Burgers plus a TON more great choices!
Hey good to know about the new Billie Burgers! Love seeing all the old haunts! And those great kids!