I love when Anne of Green Gables talks about “Kindred Spirits.” It makes me think of all the kindred spirits in my life and how incredibly grateful I am for them and the influence for good they have had on me.
I love that my children are forming their own sets of kindred spirits.
We have a family of friends who are all kindred spirits as far as we are concerned…they have kids that match up perfectly with each of our kids (except they have a dog instead of a Lucy, but she feels pretty “kindred” with any dog so that works out great;). The one that lines up with Claire is even named Claire AND was born on the exact same day. I’m not sure you could get more kindred than that.
They moved away a couple years ago, but the oldest two came back for a visit last month.
To say Elle was excited would be a serious understatement. And I love how everyone just picked up right exactly how they left off a couple years ago.
A few of the mobs of friends who had waited with baited breath for Emma’s return did a little picture-posing for me:
Among the many things these girls did that week, we got to go to a close-by lake for a little day-trip with some family friends and a few of the girls. Grace, our water-sport-girl was in pure heaven.
And even Elle wake-boarded (which is a huge deal since she’s been scared to death to try it for years after some weird bad experience…it’s amazing what a little peer pressure can do).
Claire eats up all the attention she gets from the big girls.
Here she is rocking out with them to Justin Bieber:I hope these girls know how lucky they are to have each other.
Because they really, really are.
We all miss you already, Emma!
Did you already answer this? WHERE did you get Grace's swim suit? So cute!
The girls'swimming suits are so cute and so modest – I love it!
Also, I know I tell you this a lot, but your pictures always turn out amazing. I'm not sure where you live(maybe you can answer that in one of your Friday Q&As) but it truly looks beautiful!
Your paralyzed friend,
oh super cute. My best friend from Elle's age, is still my most dearest friends now. We were inseperable. The only time we were not together growing up, was when i left on my mission, and then to get married ( I moved to Canada), then a twist of fate, she moved to Dallas from UK.. anne of green gables was our favourite movie, to the point i named my first daughter Grace Avonlea!!
'kindred spirits'.. just the name makes me dream back to my childhood!
How fun!!! Those girls are all gorgeous. We just recently returned from a trip to see Anne of Green Gables in PEI. http://prettynpinkngreen.blogspot.com/2011/07/for-all-you-anne-fans.html
I love Elle's big, gorgeous smile! You have such beautiful kids!!! And agreed — kindred spirits are the best!!
We were visiting the Cressman's this weekend in Utah and my kids were reliving the fun we had with Greene kids at the beach last month.
Glad you all got some time with Emma. They sure are a fun bunch. Makes me wish so often we could all get our kids together.
Adorable! Kindred spirits are good!
Please, please can I get the copies of these pictures of the girls? Love that you always have that camera hooked to your hip!
hi shawni. thank you soo much for taking those pictures. they turned out so cute. i miss you guys too and i had alot of fun hanging out at your house. thanks again.
-emma greene