I have a lot to catch up on over here, but for now let’s take a moment to enjoy Miss Murphy Jane. Because man alive I love her. I’m not sure I ever posted this birthday picture of her, but it must be shared:

I do have the best daughter-in-law in all the land who sends us videos and pictures all the time. I cannot thank her enough because it’s just the best gift a Grandma (NiNi) could ask for. Here are some outtakes from a latest favorite video:

I know I’m biased, but I mean, really…

I’ll have to post the real video on Instagram stories today.
Here she is on a recent “meeting” her Dad when he was her age from a scrapbook Abby and I were looking at together on FaceTime:

She is just so fun and I’m working on posting pictures from her visit (along with the rest of the kids) on Labor Day.
Just feeling so grateful I get this little grand daughter who brings us so much joy.
She is a cutie!
Just curious though, wherever that was taken, is that really a huge american flag on the wall? in a baby’s room?
Your point?
Snarky much? It was just a question honey. Chill.
She looks like Grace…..adorable!!
She is heavenly!!!! There is such a sense of the greater, bigger picture as a grandma. Job well done! Enjoy!
Lovely pix.
Murphy is adorable. She looks so much like Max.
I can’t believe that she’s now 16 months.
She’s a doll! Thanks for sharing her with us!