Sure the pictures are grainy and not-so-hot, but that handy-dandy thing obviously happens to be there to grab more often than a real camera. So it tends to capture a bunch of little things going on around here.
This was “Sardines” for FHE.
My parents came through and stayed with us a couple days on their way home from a speech in Minneapolis. Boy howdy we sure love them.
Grace had seventh grade orientation. These guys (along with about seventy-five other good friends) are going to take on Jr. High like a storm.
I just sat there in awe that yet another baby of mine is crossing off the elementary school days.
And then I almost started bawling so I thought about happy thoughts like this card that got left in a motherhood book my sister ordered used from Amazon:
Is that not the greatest thing? I love it.
These kids below are in an awesome choral organization. So is a big group of Claire’s age kids. When you drive the carpool you are literally driving for about three hours to pick everyone from one group up, drop them off, go back and pick up the other group, drop them off and wait forever and a day for the first group to be done, drop them off and then come back and get the last crew. It is a little nutty…can you tell from their faces?
On that particular day I had already driven into the big city two times for house stuff so I was in the car for about eight hours. EIGHT.
I think stuff like that is why my car’s gas gauge always happens to look like this:
What it looks like to shop with Claire and her friends to use up a gift certificate she got for her birthday:
I’m trying to slow things down and play with my baby more. When my big kids were little I was down on the ground with them so much more. Now I’m always running from one thing to the next and they have each other to keep so occupied. I love that but man alive, it sure makes our eyes sparkle when we get to play together for a little bit here and there.
It was Dr. Seuss week.
And we sure celebrated cause we are big Dr. Seuss fans around here.
Dave got to go on his annual ski trip with his college friends. I love that he gets to do that. He does too. Those guys right there are pretty awesome.
And while I was gone with my sisters I sadly missed the marathon Dave got to help with the second year in a row. It is really such a cool charity event. More about that here.
I got to hang at recess with Lucy when I went to volunteer last.
These blossoms, though gorgeous and easy on the eyes, are actually NOT so easy on my eyes since they make me want to scrape them out they itch so much from my darn allergies. I have sneezed and blown my nose what feels like 1,359 times in the last few weeks.
“Wacky Wednesday” at school:
My latest mothering book I’m reading for about the fifth time:
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk (click there if you want more info. It’s one of my fav. parenting books ever…aside from my parents’ 🙂
This is the position Dave is in most often these days. He has put so much work into this new house and I am forever grateful for that.
Lucy’s school work:
Full-swing into tennis tournaments galore.
So fun to have Nana and Papa join us when they can.
…and lots of volleyball too which my phone can’t capture too well…
But I will tell you, Dave and I are loving every minute of these sports.
first off.. can u please share where you bought your yellow blouse from.. it's soooo cute ( the one with the grey pencil skirt)!!!
2nd.. I sit and dream.. here you all are in tanktops playing tennis outside, it's still -27 here today, and we have had snow on the ground 100% since October 🙁 LOL!!!
Mike and I loved the high school sports too!!! Most of our friends complained about all the driving but we loved every minute and miss it now!~
I loved that card in the used amazon book – how sweet!!
The posts are light today, so I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for being amazing! Sometimes I think that I am the only one reading parenting books for the 4th and 5th time, or spending more time in the car on some days than I did the night before, but I'm not alone. Thank you for making me want to do it better and brighter the next day. You are brave to share your family with the rest of us, but here at the Cecil house, WE LOVE IT!
P.S. My girls might just ask your girls to be good ole' fashion pen pals this summer. 🙂
How fun to exchange mail and pictures with a bosom buddy states away?
I love when you share random fun pictures, I also am dreaming of the warm weather…I'm ready for it if you want to send it my way.
Definitely need that book in my life. 🙂 You are such a fun mom.
What an amazing family you have! And that card.. le sigh.
Hi, Shawni–Journalist trying to reach you re: article for Scholastic Parent & Child magazine. Emailed you at the email addy listed in Blogger profile, but not sure it's current. Can you email me at tcwrites at gmail dot com? – Teri Cettina
Oops–Blogger keeps logging me in as my daughter Sophie–but I'm not her. Pls. email me at tcwrites at gmail dot com. Thanks! Teri Cettina
Oh man we love this! It keeps us connected while we're here in Mexico. Love every picture! So fun!
Elle's tan and black skirt! Where's it from?! (I bet you hate questions like this)
Any chance you'll share a close up view of your house floor plan? Is it one story? My husband was in the Army & was injured in Iraq (lost an arm and a leg) so we're always looking for inspiring one story floor plans… We live near DC so everything here is stairs stairs stairs!
Even if it's not one story, I'd love a look- I feel like things you'd be looking for are similar to what I would be. Lots of entertaining space… room for gathering… 🙂
Love that parenting book! I just finished it! (Along with a few of your parents') 🙂