On Claire’s birthday we went and saw “So We Bought a Zoo.” The whole time I sat there with tears in my eyes thinking how heartbroken I would be to miss out on raising my children. Children are resilient. And around here, they would have a lot of support. And they would have a lot of love. But oh how utterly heartbroken I’d be to miss being with them through the thick and thin of mothering. I know, I know, I wouldn’t be here to be heartbroken, but even the though of it made me misty and weepy. It hit me harder than ever how incredibly blessed I am to be right here, right now, soaking in the tough stuff along with the jubilant stuff that parenting is made out of.
So with all that recently on my mind, this story really broke my heart. The loss of a parent. That dad who will not get to raise his children, and the memory of him there physically with them, fishing with them, tucking them in bed at night will fade gradually away…it hurts to even think about. It sure looks like he’s done a good job so far, but the mother is left with both the father and mother jobs and my heart reaches out to her.
Just thought I would share what this wonderful woman in Australia is doing to to help this family. Click here for more information about the auction and how to help.
Oh WOW!!! I can't imagine. Her cousin is actually in my Ward in Augusta, GA. They just told me about this! Her husband talked about it during his testimony at church and there was not a dry eye there. So Sad!It really does make you appreciate the everyday. Glad to see they have a donation going on for her.
I have so many friends, here in Australia, affected by the recent tragedies in the King family. Thank you, Shawni, for mentioning this to your readers.
Thank YOU so much Shawni. Bless you xx
I was reading through her blog and my heart was aching so deeply for her. I wonder if we'll come to know exactly why we experience certain challenges in this lifetime. I hope.
When my oldest daughter was 5, I woke up one morning and I couldn't move my left arm. At first I thought I slept funny. We had VBS that week, and I was completely unable to move my left arm. The second day, I went to the doctor. They started with an MRI on my brain to rule out brain cancer (the worst possible scenario) and blood work for MS. I remember in those days, just praying that I would be alive to watch my girls grow up.
Thank you so much. Im so overwhelmed by how much love and support is being shown to me and my boys right now. xxx
hi there saw your blog on the polkadots blog and thought i would add you to my blog roll. Sharlene
That movie was so lovely and I was in tears thinking the same thoughts. Life is way too short. Naomi must be a wonderful friend to have and so kind to give so much of herself to help Lisa and her boys. Tracy xoxox
That story has made me cry multiple times the past week!
I think we would still feel the same feelings from the other side if we died. My aunt died and in a blessing her daughter received afterward it said, "Your mother is as shocked as you are and misses you as much as you miss her."
My cousin was killed almost two years ago while riding her bike. She left behind a 3 year old and 3 month old girls. I too have thought about how hard it would be to leave your family and miss out. However, in talking about her last weeks, I realized the gifts of tender mercies we receive that prepare us even when we may not realize it. I think of the guiding help that she is too them and her husband.
It seems like such a tragedy, but so many times you forget about the true plan of happiness and I remember what you have said life is long, such a small glimpse in the scheme of all of it. I have not had the courage to see this movie yet, maybe one day.