There was one particular day before Elle’s wedding that was so deflating for many reasons. Many different things weighing heavily on my heart. I went out on a walk/run by myself to blow off some steam and one of the first things I saw was this chalk drawing right in my path:

Oh it was simple and small. And it wasn’t meant for me, of course. Or was it? Maybe someone had a little nudge that some crazy lady was going to be running by there who would desperately need it. But it spoke right to me. It calmed my heart and mind in such a soothing, beautiful way.

Buoyed up by that thought I ran.

I ran and ran. Under this pink sky, the moon looming ahead of me:

I listened to this talk as I ran, and with every step my worries seemed to lift.

After I ran my heart out, I came back home and went around the back for some reason rather than going in the front. I saw this view through the window:

No big deal right? My family sitting together finishing up dinner and clean-up. But there was something about that picture from the window that about knocked me over with so much gratitude. Sometimes don’t you think it’s so soothing to watch things from the outside?

By the time I went in a dance plan was taking place (these guys have been doing dances like nobody’s business and I love it).

Here it is from the inside:

(I’ll have to post the finished product on Instagram.)

Oh I sure love this family of mine. And the little tender nudges of the universe (sidewalk chalk and a cotton candy pink moon-filled sky) to remind me that it will all work out.

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  1. Shortly after our quarantine started here, someone started a local Facebook group with ideas for people to do to help stay connected. One of the ideas was to write uplifting chalk messages on the jogging path around town. When I went running one morning after that, I had the biggest grin on my face as I ran over all of those happy, uplifting messages. It definitely made my day!

  2. I walk my dog every morning and I hadn’t thought of writing in chalk on the asphalt but that’s such a great idea! I wish we had sidewalks right here but asphalt should work fine! Thanks for the idea!

  3. that is so cool that you saw that heart while you went for a run, it was such a great sign…under the pink sky….imagine if you didnt take that run that day…..nah dont imagine worked out the way its supposed to be .

  4. I love to go outside in the evening and look back into our kitchen/family room. It’s like watching your kids sleep – they look so angelic no matter what craziness they pulled during the day.
    On another note, would you mind sharing where you purchased your kitchen table? I’ve spent days trying to find a large circular one that I like. I love yours.

    1. We had that table made because I couldn’t find one big enough either. Some day I will track down the guy who made it (I’ve lost him!) so I can give people the information, because I get asked this question more than any other question. We do love that table!

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